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Задания для подготовки к ЕГЭ в 11 классе

Задания для подготовки к ЕГЭ в 11 классе

My favourite sport.

I am an active person and I have done many types of exercises but in my opinion the ________ of them is swimming.

It _____________ on your age, physical ability or sex.

I __________ to go to the swimming pool quite regularly, but at the moment I dont have much time and attend it once a week. I usually go there with my friend. I swim for pleasure, while __________ main goal lowering blood pressure. It is also a good way of __________ weight.

Our swimming pool is very popular in our neighborhood and __________ by hundreds of people every day. Many of them are ___________ but there are some handsome men who keep fit.


not depend






Multiple Choice

Computer games.

Like the TV before games (1) all our free time. Teenagers spend (2) on computer games than on movies and theatres. The first video game (3) in 1972. Since then they (4) very popular. They have the same importance to this generation that movies had for (5) generations. Even (6) children who cant understand the lessons they are taught at schools can discuss the stories in computer games. But some (7) think that games are violent.

A take B is taking
A more money B most money
A is invented B was invented
A became B have become
A earlier B the earliest
A those B these
A people B person

Partial Translation.

A new bike by a London student is going to help a lot of people, которые начинают кататься на велосипеде. The machine спроектирована чтобы ездили many types of people. Edward Turner designed the bike as part of a college assignment to rethink an everyday object and make it популярнее, чем сейчас. Edward said: «I looked into designing a bike that мог бы быть использован by people who would not normally get on one. For many people, живущих в городе, there are not enough room at home to keep bikes. We made our bike легче регулировать than other bikes and it is not difficult разбирать их по частям».

Gap filling.

Shopping and traffic.

When a customer _________________ something in a supermarket, the bar code on product is read at the till. The information ___________________ to head office where it is analyzed. A miracle of speed this new system ___________________ on the economy and trade in GB.

Between 35 – 40% of lorries on the K roads today are involved in _________ good. Shopping for good ____________ a considerable contribution to the increase in traffic. In the ___________ 10 years the average distance travelled to go shopping went up 30% as small and local shops came under pressure from out of town retail stories.

1. buys

2. is sent

3. influenced

4. distributing

5. has made

6. last

Используйте в этих предложениях один из следующих глаголов: to stay, to remain, to leave в нужной грамматической форме.

1. When are you __________________________ for Moscow?

2. The woman ___________________ silent.

3. They decided to __________________ in the hotel for a few days.

4. The child was _________________ alone in the house.

5. When did he ___________________ school?

6. Margaret made up her mind to __________________ him.

7. She was sure that he didnt _______________ at home.

8. Lets ________________ it at that! I dont want to argue any further.

9. They didnt ________________________ friends after their quarrel.

10. David ____________ late to finish his report.

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Tube Map sed to Plot Londoners Life Expectancy

A version of the Tube map has been produced to show how life expectancy varies from station to station. The contrast it depicts between Tube stops is severe, with the variation in life expectancies of children born near stations only minutes apart being years different. The map – called Lives on the Line – was created by niversity College London by researcher Dr James Cheshire and shows some surprising results. For example, it shows there is a 20-year difference in life expectancy between those born near Oxford Circus and others born close to some stations on the Docklands Light Railway.

Newborns around Star Lane are predicted to live, on average, for 75. 3 years in contrast to 96. 4 years for those near Oxford Circus. There is a six-year difference between Pimlico and Vauxhall – both the stations on the Victoria line, but on the opposite sides of the River Thames. In 2008, the London Health Observatory showed that if travelling East on the Tube from Westminster, every two Tube stops represented more than a year of life expectancy lost. This work inspired Dr Cheshires latest research, which uses data based on government statistics showing life expectancy at birth for those living around the stations.

"I wondered if different patterns emerged across the Tube network," he said. He said he chose to use the Tube map as "its famous the world over and something most Londoners can relate to". Dr Cheshire said the map showed that "if youre poor as a child, your diet may be poor and sadly it can follow you for the rest of your life".

Other differences depicted on the map are no less striking. For example, if you travel eastbound between Lancaster Gate and Mile End – 20 minutes on the Central line – life expectancy decreases by 12 years.

But not all the Tube lines show a trend depending on which direction you travel. "London is a city thats very diverse and one of its great characteristics is that rich and poor people live side by side.

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Fab Things About Woodlands

Hi, our names are Ashleigh, Rachel, Chloe and Maddie. We are all in class 3Wa.

We have lots of news from Woodlands Junior School. We hope you like reading about us, here are the top ten best things about our school.

1. At Woodlands we have raised money for many charity programmes.

2. We have a lot of fun days called Rainbow Days where we pay money to dress up in lots of different coloured clothes.

3. We are having a New Building that is progressing very well. It started on 10th of December 2005 and it is now growing steadily each day and hopefully it will be completed in a few months time.

4. We have a set of rules at Woodlands otherwise known as The Woodlands Code. These are the four Code words: Care, Consideration, Courtesy and Community.

5. Pupils and teachers have been on TV many times. We all enjoy watching ourselves on TV.

6. We have had many important visitors. The Mayor of Tonbridge is one of them.

7. Keeping Fit is important to us.

8. Our School Dinners are delicious and healthy.

9. Teddy Trousers (Teddy with really long legs) is our Head Teachers best friend and helps him in assemblies.

10. Every pupil has the opportunity to join after school clubs. Here they are: choir, country dancing, cross country running, judo, football, netball and computer club

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Why Some Dont Care About Their Appearance

Despite the extremely superficial nature of this society there are still people who are able to avoid the notion that you have to adapt to a particular standard of beauty mainly because they are comfortable in their own skin. To outsiders it might appear that these individuals dont care at all what they look like when the reality is that they simply have different priorities, and so even if their appearance doesnt feature very highly on their list it doesnt mean that they give no consideration to their appearance whatsoever.

For some individuals appearance is extremely important because it gives them an edge. They may already feel confidence when they are with colleagues and friends, but looking good gives them the extra boost they need.

Other people dont attribute that much importance to appearances, especially if they have a laid-back attitude, are confident in themselves, and dont have a job which requires power-dressing. This doesnt mean they dont care about their appearance; just that they have better things to do with their time than dressing up when all they are going to do is sit behind a desk all day.

Some people do care about their appearance, although it may not look that way to others. There are individuals who possess their own unique sense of style, which might entail showing off their tattoos and piercings, as well as wearing clothes which dont seem to go together and look rather scruffy. However, these individuals may well belong to their own tribe and this is their uniform. As far as their fellow members are concerned they are one of them, and are dressed to reflect this. The rest of the world might think these individuals dont care about their appearance, but usually the opposite is true.

И. Н. Филиппова, ГБОУ СОШ № 546, Москва

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