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урок по теме Праздники по всему миру

урок по теме Праздники по всему миру http://lib. dnevnik. ru/work/aspx?work=12277

Holidays all over the world

Праздники по всему миру

Цель – совершенствование коммуникативных навыков.

Задачи – развивать умение находить необходимую информацию;

– Применять методы информационного поиска;

– Формировать умение работать в парах, выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения задач учитывая позицию собеседника, и умение объяснять свой выбор.


Речевая разминка

Teacher – we have been talking about holidays for a long time. Do you agree that we all need holidays?

Pupils – We can feel the atmosphere of happiness

Meet our friends

Go travelling and visit different places

Holidays unite people as we put up decorations, cook meals together.

Teacher – what associations come to your head when you think about holidays?

Pupils – presents, flowers, decorations, dinners

I associate the word holiday with…. , because I always get presents.

Teacher – Do you think that holidays help to understand the persons character?

Pupils answers

Teacher – What kind of people the Russians are?

Pupils – They are generous, because they are always ready to help (creative, respectful, friendly, hospitable)

Teacher – are holidays connected with history? What are they?

Pupils – the 9th of May, the Independence day, Guy Fawkes night, Thanksgiving day, Shrovetide.

1. We have studied some American, RussianThe 9 th of May, Thanksgiving, The Independence day, Valentine Day, Hogmany, The Highland games.

2. Some holidays are connected with songs that people sing. Do you know any songs connected with celebrations and can you sing one of them


3. With the help of the Net we can find some information dealing with holidays around the world.

Dnevnik. ru Библиотка Медиатека Файлы английский для учителей презентация

On the board there are questions that you have to answer. Do not forget to fill in your tables with the necessary infornation.

Date – Country – the name of the holiday – activities or food

which holiday would you like to take part in and why?

Pupils – I would like to take part in …. . because. . . . . . .

4. Russia is a vast country with lots of holidays and traditions, festivals and customs.

Choose a festival and use phrases to describe it.

New Year

the 8th of March

April Fools Day



the 9 th of May

The independence day

The 1 st of May

Have a picnic

Visit friends and relatives

Exchange gifts

Dance to the music

Enjoy special meals

Send cards

Light bonfires

Throw parties

Watch colourful parades

Let off fireworks

5. What holiday would you advise your friend to attend and why?

Now we are going to talk about one of the most colourful festivals in Russia – Shrovetide.

Read the text and write TR E or FALSE.

Do you think it is a great holiday to celebrate? Would you advise your friend from a foreign country to take part in this festival? Why?

Pupils give their own answers,

6. As you are great experts in organizing festivals, you can give some useful tips to your friend who want to throw a party for their foreign quests.

Make up a dialogue.

7. Just imagine that you have received a letter from you friend who lives in a different country.

Read the letter and answer the questions. You are supposed to write 100 words. You can use some useful tips for writing informal letters.

This file is attached to your home task.

Метки: Иностранный язык