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  • Библиотека
  • Иностранный язык
  • План открытого урока по английскому языку для 5 класса по учебнику М. З. Биболетовой “Английский с удовольствием”

План открытого урока по английскому языку для 5 класса по учебнику М. З. Биболетовой “Английский с удовольствием”

План открытого урока по английскому языку для 5 класса по учебнику М. З. Биболетовой “Английский с удовольствием” Тема: Выходной день: планирование совместных


Тип: обобщающий урок.

Оснощение: карточки с заданиями, компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон.

Цели урока: 1) совершенствовать грамматические и лексические


2) активизировать изученную лексику

3) развить умения рассказывать о своих

увлечениях, планах

Ход урока:

I Организационный момент

  1. Приветствие

– Good morning, students!

– Good morning, my teacher!

Teacher: – How are you?

Students: – We are fine, thank you! And you?

Teacher: – I am super, thank you! Sit down, please! Students, today we will finish our work according the theme “Planning our weekends” and have unusual lesson. I wish you good luck and have a nice job.

II Актуализация изученного материала.

1. На проекторе появляются слова на изученные звуки

Teacher: – First of all, repeat after me, please.

[i] – misses, English, Great Britain, visit

[i:] – teacher, Steven, read, speaking, meeting

[o] – costs, responsible, got

[әu] – local, social, going, programme, know

[auә] – flower, our, tower, hour

[e] – head, spend, forget, memory, friend

[u:] – school, group

[ai] – invite, idea, time, Friday

[ei] – invitation, great, arrange, state, stay

  1. Teacher: – It was good, well done! Today we are going to speak about our weekends. Students, tell me please what does the word w e e k e n d mean?

Students: – Sunday and Saturday

– The end of the week, etc.

Teacher: – Yes, you are absolutely right! We are going to discuss our plans for weekends.

III. Проверка домашнего задания

Teacher: We will check your homework. Tell us one by one what are you going to do next weekend (Рассказ каждого ученика сопровождается фотографиями на экране)

IV. Работа над говорением

1) Teacher: (раздаются карточки) – you know that Barbara Grey is the teacher from London and one of her students Nick by name has sent a letter for you. Let’s read this letter. But it is not the simple letter. It is with the task. Read the task, please.

Student: – Put in the missing words of the letter. Choose words and phrases from the list of words given below.

Teacher: You have 2 minutes for doing this task.

(Учащиеся выполняют задание)


Hello, boys and girls! My name is Nick. I am from _________ and study at the local State School. I am in the fifth form now. My favourite subjects are _______ and _______ . We learn English and Spanish. I like to get good marks. Students often run and jump during the _________ .

My family is not big. Father, mother, sister Mary and I live friendly. My sister likes to dance. She is going to visit ___________ this summer.

I always go in for sport. I am _____________ . Last month our ______ football team played with our British partners. They ______ in the hotel. The group of local fans were _____________ for an interesting __________. After match we _________the picnic, sang songs, danced and ___________pictures.

Next year we are ______ to arrange a match with the football team from Scotland.

going Information Technology Maths.

Great Britain a football player local

stayed social programme arranged responsible took arrange


Teacher: Now let’s read the letter and put in the missing words

2) (С помощью проектора на экран выводится сообщение от Ника в виде слайда – см. приложение)

Teacher: – Nick has sent the message for you. Let’s answer his questions and try to guess what he is going to do next week.

– What is he going to do on Monday?

– What is he going to do on Tuesday (Wednesday, Thursday, etc. )?

– What is her sister Mary going to do next week? etc.

V. Физкультминутка

Teacher: Let’s sing the song “If you happy and know it…” (“Action Songs” + cassette).

1. If you are happy and know it, clap your hands.

If you are happy and know it, clap your hands.

If you are happy and know it and you really want to show it,

If you are happy and know it, clap your hands.

2. If you are happy and know it, stamp your feet.

If you are happy and know it, stamp your feet.

If you are happy and know it and you really want to show it,

If you are happy and know it, stamp your feet.

3. If you are happy and know it, slap your knees

If you are happy and know it, slap your knees

If you are happy and know it and you really want to show it,

If you are happy and know it, slap your knees.

4. If you are happy and know it, click your fingers.

If you are happy and know it, click your fingers

If you are happy and know it and you really want to show it,

If you are happy and know it, click your fingers

If you are happy and know it, do all four: clap (2), stamp (2), slap (2), click (2)

If you are happy and know it, do all four: clap (2), stamp (2), slap (2), click (2).

If you are happy and know it and you really want to show it,

If you are happy and know it, do all four.

VI. Работа над закреплением в речи лексических единиц

1. Teacher: – Please, add the tag endings

(На экране)

1) Nick is from Great Britain, ………………?

2) He studies at the Local State School, ……………?

3) Fans were responsible for the social programme, ………. . ?

4) The students arranged the picnic yesterday, …………………. ?

5) Mary won’t visit America this summer, ………………………?

6) Nick and his friends are going to play with the partners from Scotland, ………?

2. Teacher: – Guess what each word is, please :

(на экране)

o, l, l, c, a m, m, p, o, r, a, g, r, e a, e, t, h, r, e, t

n, a, r, r, g, e, a e, w, e, n, e, d, k c, l, o, s, i, a

VII Итог урока.

1) Объяснение домашнего задания учащимся

2) Оценка знаний учащихся

3) Прощание

Метки: Иностранный язык