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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе. Письменная речь

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе. Письменная речь Part 1 Reading.

Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию ( описание) слова определи какое это слово и допиши его.

1. The colour of a bright summer sky and a deep lake. B_ _ _

2. A place where pupils go learn and teachers to work. S_ _ _ _ _

3. A big and dangerous animal that likes honey and can climb trees. b_ _ _

4. You can see it at the cinema or on TV f_ _ _

5. To use a musical instrument to produce music or to take part in a game. P_ _ _

Задание 2 . Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трёх предложенных.

1) How are you?


A. OK then.

B. Thanks.

C. Fine, thanks.

2) Can you come to my house for lunch?


A. I have to ask my mom.

B. I like lunch.

C. That’s a good time!

3) Can I take your pen?


A. Yes, you do.

B. I’ m sorry, I need it myself.

4) Have some more cakes?


A. No, it’s fine.

B. Yes, that’s tasty.

C. Thank you, I’ll have one more.

5) How long is your music class?


A. It’s one o’clock.

B. half an hour.

C. At 3 p. m.

Задание 3 . Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию из текста ( не более 3-4 слов)

Holidays with animals.

Text A

Text B

1. Destination

New Zealand

2. Time of the year.

3. Main activity

4 Other possible activities

Text A

On the East of New Zealand’s South Island, the beautiful clean water is home to many different types of dolphins. All seasons of the year, there are special tours of to swim with these friendly and intelligent animals and to see them doing their famous acrobatic jumps.

Boats go out into the open ocean with small group of tourists. Instructors teach you how to interact with dolphins without disturbing them. In this area of New Zealand you can also go whale watching.

Text B

Cape Churchill Coast in Northern Manitoba, Canada, is an extraordinary area in the Arctic Tundra and home to the polar bear. The animal migration of this enormous and aggressive animal takes place in autumn. In this period you can travel in special vehicles to observation platforms, where you can watch polar bears. Your guides give you a lot of information about these animals and their habitat. You can also see other animals, like arctic foxes and seals.

Part 2. se of English

Задание 1. Напиши одно слово ( категорию) для каждой группы слово.

0) capitals

Moscow, London, Washington D. C. , Paris.


summer , autumn, winter, spring.


back, green, orange, red.


banana, plum, apple, orange.


skirt, shorts, jeans, pullover.


breakfast, lunch,diner, supper.

Задание 2ю. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каждого пропуска. Обведи нужную букву( a, b,или c)

0/ Look at………! They’re playing with the puppy!

a)they b)their c) them

1/ Mike is very busy now, he ………… his composition.

a) Is going to write b) is writing c) writes

2/ where is Sally? I can’t see………….

a) she b) he c) her

3/ have we got …………. . cheese left?

a) some b) many c) any

4 ……………. an underground station near your school?

a) Is there b) Are there c) Is it

5) Our classes start ………. . 8. 30 in the morning.

a) on b) in c) at

Метки: Иностранный язык