Бесплатная публикация статей в журналах ВАК и РИНЦ

Уважаемые авторы, образовательный интернет-портал «INFOBRAZ.RU» в рамках Всероссийской Образовательной Программы проводит прием статей для публикации в журналах из перечня ВАК РФ по направлениям: экономика, философия, политология, педагогика, филология, биология, сельское хозяйство, агроинженерия, транспорт, строительство и архитектура и др.

Возможна бесплатная публикация статей в специализированных журналах по многим отраслям и специальностям. В мультидисциплинарных журналах возможна публикация по всем другим направлениям. 

Журналы реферируются ВИНИТИ РАН. Статьям присваивается индекс DOI. Журналы включены в международную базу Ulrich's Periodicals Directory и РИНЦ.

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Prepositions Revision

Prepositions Revision

1. I have every confidence __________________ you, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

2. He was blamed __________________ losing the contract because he was rude to the client.

3. You shouldn't depend __________________ others to support you! Go and and find a job!

4. The police are not convinced _____________________________________ his innocence.

5. You were far too critical ______________________________________ Linda's proposal.

6. I puzzled __________________ it for a long time, but I never did figure out how it worked.

7. She pleaded ___________________________ the guard to let her see her son one last time.

8. A lot of people seem to be allergic ________________________________ nuts these days.

9. His findings were based ______________________________________ a survey.

10. There's nothing wrong with taking pride __________________________ one's appearance.

11. They arrested him at customs ____________________________________ drug smuggling.

12. You should never have confided ________________ Linda: you know what a gossip she is!

13. I have every confidence __________________ you you, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

14. He was blamed __________________ losing the contract because he was rude to the client.

15. You shouldn't depend __________________ others to support you! Go and and find a job!

16. The police are not convinced _____________________________________ his innocence.

17. You were far too critical ______________________________________ Linda's proposal.

18. I puzzled __________________ it for a long time, but I never did figure out how it worked.

19. She pleaded ___________________________ the guard to let her see her son one last time.

20. A lot of people seem to be allergic ________________________________ nuts these days.

21. His findings were based ______________________________________ a survey.

22. There's nothing wrong with taking pride __________________________ one's appearance.

23. They arrested him at customs ____________________________________ drug smuggling.

24. You should never have confided ________________ Linda: you know what a gossip she is!

25. I have every confidence __________________ you you, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

26. He was blamed __________________ losing the contract because he was rude to the client.

27. You shouldn't depend __________________ others to support you! Go and and find a job!

28. The police are not convinced _____________________________________ his innocence.

29. You were far too critical ______________________________________ Linda's proposal.

30. I puzzled __________________ it for a long time, but I never did figure out how it worked.

31. She pleaded ___________________________ the guard to let her see her son one last time.

32. A lot of people seem to be allergic ________________________________ nuts these days.

33. His findings were based ______________________________________ a survey.

34. There's nothing wrong with taking pride __________________________ one's appearance.

35. They arrested him at customs ____________________________________ drug


36. You should never have confided ________________ Linda: you know what a gossip she is!


I have every confidence in you, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

He was blamed for losing the contract because he was rude to the client.

You shouldn't depend on others to support you! Go and find a job!

The police are not convinced of his innocence.

You were far too critical of Linda's proposal.

I puzzled over it for a long time, but I never did figure out how it worked.

She pleaded with the guard to let her see her son one last time.

A lot of people are allergic to nuts these days.

His findings were based on a survey.

There's nothing wrong with taking pride in one's appearance.

They arrested him at customs for drug smuggling.

You should never have confided in Linda: you know what a gossip she is!

Метки: Иностранный язык