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Контрольная работа по мудулям 5-7 к Умк `Spotlight`

Контрольная работа по мудулям 5-7 к Умк `Spotlight`

Module 5-7 Test. Spotlight 10

Task 1 Choose the correct word.

1. Package / packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.

2. I think we will take/ catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.

3. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/ hire a car.

4. The doctor wrote him a prescription/ recite for two tables.

5. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ ache in the knee.

6. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/ stage but she has been too scared to do it.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the or – (no article)

1. …. . Lake Titicaca which is between……. . Bolivia and ………Peru is world’s highest large lake.

2. …. . Virgin Islands were bought by…… nited States from……. . Denmark in 1917 and are popular tourist.

3. …… new Caledonia is an island in………… Pacific Ocean.

4. ……… Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and……. Europe.

5. ………. . New York City is situated at the mouth of………Hudson River on the East coast of…. . SA.

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. We …. . (dance) when the music………stop.

2. I ………. . (not/feel)well last night.

3. “Are you going shopping tonight?” No, I ………. (go) yesterday.

4. “Did you see Nathan?” “No, he ……. . (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.

5. “Where is Scott?” “He ………. (talk) on the phone when I saw him”.

6. “Did Alan arrive on time?” “No, I………. . (wait) for an hour before he arrived. ”

Task 4. Chose the correct answer.

1. A cinema is a place where films_____________.

A. Show B. are shown C. are showing.

2. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____________.

A. Had been cancelled b. is being cancelled C. has been cancelled.

3“The TV is too loud. Can you turn it __________?

A. On B. up C. down.

4. The walls gave _________ a smell of paint for a week.

A. off B. back C. away

5. ________ confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.

A. well – B. self – C. good-

6. You’re a ________-looking guy, so why can’t you get a girlfriend?

A. well– B. self– C. good-

7. Does she get _________well with her step mother?

A. around B. in C. pain

8. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _________.

A. sick B. ill C. pain

9. The dog looks as if it ________ hungry.

A. will be B. were С. had been

10. I wish I __________speak better Spanish.

A. could B. will be able C. would can

11. When did the London Olympics ________ place?

A. find B. hold C. take

12. Fiona is so ________; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

A. hungry B. greedy C. starving

13. We are going _________ holiday at the end of July.

A. at B. on C. to

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