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тесты и тренировочные упражнения для 3 класса

тесты и тренировочные упражнения для 3 класса Get Ready For Your oral Test.

3 rd Form

Present Simple

Read the text and get ready to answer the questions to these texts.

Write 5 questions of different types to every text.

1. My friend Julia and I study English. Our teacher is very smart. Her name is Olga Viktorovna. She gives us homework every day. Her son Igor is in our class her son is very good at English. We like English but it is difficult. Julia likes to read easy books in English. The teacher gives them to Julia. Sometimes we ask Igor questions in English. He helps with our homework. Igor wants to be a translator.

1. __________________________.


3. __________________________.

4. _____________________________


2. We have got two cats and a dog at home. My parents love them very much. My favourite is the dog. Its name is Right. It is white and brown. Right is very clever and funny. I take him for a walk in the evening. We walk every day. It runs and jumps with pleasure. But Right does not like our cats. He never plays with them. When the cats run to him, Right begins to bark. The cats are afraid of Right and run away.

1. _______________________.

2. ________________________.

3. __________________________.

4. ___________________________.


3. Hi, Mum!. I am at the Zoo. The weather is sunny. It is very warm. I am eating a sandwich and drinking a cup of cola. My friend is taking photos. Our teacher is telling us about animals. She knows so many interesting stories about animals. Mum, one boy is giving a banana to the kangaroo. Oh, no! A monkey is taking one of my sandwiches! Mum, I’ll call back later!


2. ______________________.




4. Sasha is a schoolboy. He is in the first form. One morning Sasha asks his mother to give him another pen before he goes to school. Mother does it. The next morning Sasha asks for a new pen again. So it goes on every day. Mother is surprised ,” Sasha, you have 5 new pens! What is wrong with them? “ mother asks. “ Those pens make too many mistakes’, Sasha answers.

Past simple

Read and retell the text.

1. Why Did She Run Away?

Tom was a little boy. One day Tom went to the Zoo to visit his friends –the animals. Suddenly he saw a new animal. It was yellow, brown and black. It had a little head, long legs, two big eyes, two small ears, a long tail and a very, very long neck. Tom did not know what animal it was. His mother said that it was a giraffe. His name was Blaze. He was from Africa. Blaze liked to eat leaves from trees and grass, too.

Tom saw a woman who came to Blaze’s cage. She had nice green leaves, grass and beautiful flowers on her hat. Blaze wanted to eat them and he did. But the woman ran away was very angry. Blaze did not understand why the woman ran away.

2. The Bird’s Friends

It was a cold winter day. Ann and Sam were at home. It was warm in their room. Ann looked out of the window and saw a little bird. Ann told Sam that the bird was cold and wanted to eat. Sam had an idea! The children put on their warm coats and caps, took some breadcrumbs and went to the street. The children ran to the tree and put their presents under it. Soon the children saw many birds on the tree. They all were very hungry. But the birds quickly pecked (склеили)

all bread and crumbs. Ann and Sam came home and looked out of the window again. The birds were very happy. The parents were very glad that their children helped little birds

3. The Dog and His Bone.

Noodle was a funny little dog. He was white and black. Noodle liked bones very much. One day he went for a walk and saw a nice big bone. He wanted to take the bone home. The dog came up to the river. In the river he saw a dog. The dog had a big bone, too. Noodle wanted to have that bone. Noodle wanted to have two bones. But he did not know that it was his reflection (отражение) in the water. Noodle jumped into the river and his bone fell into the river. So Noodle had no bone, because he was greedy. He came home without a bone. Noodle was hungry. He wanted to eat very much. But he went to bed without supper.

4. Don’t Be Lazy.

Once there lived an elephant. His name was Simba. He lived with his mother and father in the jungle in Africa. His parents worked all day long. , from morning till night. But Simba did not want to work. He liked to play with his friends. When Simba was two , his mother said that Simba must work, too. But Simba was lazy and he ran away. He had a very good time wit his friends. They ran, jumped and played games near their river. In the evening Simba got very hungry, but he had nothing to eat. His mother was far away and she could not give him food. Then Simba had an idea. He saw a crocodile and asked him for food. But the crocodile said that everybody must work first. Poor Samba went home. On the way home, he asked a lot of animals to give him supper. But they all asked him to work first. In the evening, when Simba came home, he told his mother that he understand everything. He must not lazy and work. His parents were happy and gave Simba a tasty supper.

I Answer the questions.

The boys will play football with their friends next Sunday.

1) General;


3) Who;

4) Where;

5) When;

6) What;

7) What game;

8) With whom;

9) Why;

II. Name only the predicates o the sentences (Present Simple, Present Continuous,

Past Simple or Future Simple)

1) Kate (to cook) dinner every day.

2) Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.

3) Kate (to cook) dinner now.

4) Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.

5) I (not to eat) ice cream every day.

6) I (not to eat) ice cream now.

7) I (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow.

8) I (not to eat) ice cream yesterday?

9) You (to go) to school every day?

10) You (to go) to school now?

11) You (to go) to the south next month?

12) You (to go) abroad last summer?

13) What your brother (to do) every day?

14) What your brother (to do) now?

15) What your brother (to do) tomorrow?

16) What your brother (to do) yesterday?

Контрольная работа

Раскрыть скобки.

1. I __________ bananas every day. ( eat)

2. We __________ the book now. (read)

3. He ___________tea every morning( drink)

4. She _________ tea now(drink)

5. I ____________ to school at the moment(go)

6. You __________football now(play)

Образуй форму наречия

1) quick– 4) good -

2) slow– 5) bad-

3) calm– 6) dear-

Контрольная работа

Раскрыть скобки.

7. I __________ bananas every day. ( eat)

8. We __________ the book now. (read)

9. He ___________tea every morning( drink)

10. She _________ tea now(drink)

11. I ____________ to school at the moment(go)

12. You __________football now(play)

Образуй форму наречия

1) quick– 4) good -

2) slow– 5) bad-

3) calm– 6) dear

Поставить глаголы в нужное временя.

1. Kate _________ the letter now( write)

2. Sam ________up at 7 o’clock every day. ( get)

3. You ________ with your brother yesterday. (play)

4. We _______ the poem at the moment. ( read)

5. He ________ bananas tomorrow. ( buy)

6. I _________ bread with butter every day(eat)

7. I _________ in the lake now. ( swim)

8. Last summer we______in the river. ( swim)

9. Sally ________ this work next time. ( do)

10. Nick and Brian ____ their homework yesterday. ( do)

Поставить глаголы в нужное временя

11. Kate _________ the letter now( write)

12. Sam ________up at 7 o’clock every day. ( get)

13. You ________ with your brother yesterday. (play)

14. We _______ the poem at the moment. ( read)

15. He ________ bananas tomorrow. ( buy)

16. I _________ bread with butter every day(eat)

17. I _________ in the lake now. ( swim)

18. Last summer we______in the river. ( swim)

19. Sally ________ this work next time. ( do)

20. Nick and Brian ____ their homework yesterday. ( do)

Поставить глаголы в нужное вемени.

21. Kate _________ the letter now( write)

22. Sam ________up at 7 o’clock every day. ( get)

23. You ________ with your brother yesterday. (play)

24. We _______ the poem at the moment. ( read)

25. He ________ bananas tomorrow. ( buy)

26. I _________ bread with butter every day(eat)

27. I _________ in the lake now. ( swim)

28. Last summer we______in the river. ( swim)

29. Sally ________ this work next time. ( do)

30. Nick and Brian ____ their homework yesterday. ( do)

Итоговая контрольная за 3 четверть

I. Раскрой скобки.

1. I _______ books every day. (read)

2. He _______ in the lake now. ( swim)

3. Brian ______ his mother last week( help)

4. We _______ our homework tomorrow(do)

5. I _________ the text at the moment ( write)

6. Last summer we ________ a lot of apples( eat)

7. Sam ________ in the park every day( walk)

8. They ________ vegetable next time(buy)

II. Образуй наречия.

1. calm – 4. quiet-

2. good– 5. slow-

3. dear– 6. warm-

III. Напиши три степени сравнения прилагательных

1. good-……. . -……….

2. ……. – nicer ……….

3. tasty-………. – ……….

4. interesting -………. -………. .

5. fat-……. -……….

6. bad -……. -……. .

IV. Расшифруй.

1й-………… 12й-……

2й-……… 15й-…. .

40й-……… 14-


V. Переведи

1) варежки 7) тапочки

2) колготы 8) футболка

3) шорты 9) туфли

4) пальто 10. джинсы

5) брюки

6) рубашка

Задание 1. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.

1. Jane …. . . . . . her hands now.

a) washed b) washes c) is washing

2 When do they usually …. . . . . . . home?

a) came b) come c) coming

3 They don't eat many. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a) fruit b) oranges c) ice cream

4 Where can you …. . . . . . . . . ?

a) swam b) swim c) to swim

5 The …. . . . . . . are from Rostov.

a) Sedovs b) Sedov's c) Sedov

6 …. . . . . . . . . aunt lives in Africa.

a) Bills b) Bill's c) Bill

7 We haven't got. . . . . . . . . . . cheese.

a) much b) many c) a

8. …. . . . . . . . she go to the swimming pool last week?

a) Did b) Does c) Was

9 Can you see …. . . . . . . monkeys?

a) that b) those c) this

Задание 2. Выбрать правильную форму прилагательного.

1. The elephant is. . . . . . . . . . . than the tiger

a) big b) bigger c) the biggest

2 This cup is …. . . . . . . . . of all.

a) beautiful b ) more beautiful c) the most beautiful

3 Who is …. . . . . . . . pupil in your class?

a) good b) better c)the best

4. Today is the …. . . . . . . . . day of the week.

a) bad b) worse c) the worst

5. This boy is …. . . . . . . . . than that boy.

a) clever b) cleverer c) the cleverest

Задание 3. Задать вопросы к предложению.

They went for a walk in the evening yesterday.

Выбери в скобках и подчеркни нужную форму прилагательного.

1. January is a (cold,coldest) month.

2. Autumn is (colder, coldest)than summer

3. Winter is the (colder, coldest) season.

4. This is a(big,biggest) box.

5. The bag is(big, bigger) than the box.

6. This is the (bigger, biggest)bag we have got.

7. This cat is very (funny, funnier) than that cat.

8. Monkeys are the (funny, finniest) animals.

9. The cat is very ( funny, funnier)

10. he bought a(new, newer) car last year.

11. His car is (newer, new) than the bike.

12. His computer is the (new, newest) in the office.

13. Horses are (cleverer, cleverest) animals.

14. My cat is (cleverer, clever) than my dog.

15. What is the (cleverer,cleverest) animal?

16. Look at this (long, longer) snake.

17. What is the ( long, longest) river in Russia?

18. The Volga is(long, longer)than the Thames.

19. Tom is a (good, better) runner.

20. Who is the(good, best) runner?

21. The car is (good, better) than the bike.

22. Ann is a (beautiful, more beautifully)girl.

23. . Jane is(more beautiful,most beautiful)than Ann.

24. Mary is the (beautiful, most beautiful) girl in the class.

25. Don't eat this cake, it is(worst, bad)

26. Ann's story is(bad, worse) than Bob's story.

27. Tom is the (worse, worst)pupil in the class.

28. This is the (more interesting, most interesting) story in the book.

29. My book is(interesting, an interesting) book.

30. It is(a more interesting, an interesting)book.

31. Summer is(better,best) than autumn.

32. Tom is a (best, good) sportsman.

33. Mrs. Smith is the(good, best) English teacher.

34. Tom is a (bad, worse) swimmer.

35. This shop is (bad, worse)than that shop.

36. This is the(worse , worst) shop in the city.

37. This is my( more favourite, most favourite) cartoon.

38. Is Jane (fat, fatter) than her sister.

39. This is the(better, best)poem in the book.

40. Who is the (quicker, quickest)runner in your school?




Elton John is a _________________________ ( E S G R I N )

Jim Carrey is an _________________________( T C O A R )

William Shakespeare is an _________________ ( A __________O H T R )

When I\'m sick , I call the __________________ ( O C R T D O )

Who gives the letters ? It\'s the _____________ ( M A T S O N P )

Who drives the plane ? It\'s the _______________ ( O P I T L )

Jimmy Hendrix is a _____________________ ( G T __________I S A T R I )

A primary school _______________________ ( A T E E C R H ) teaches in a primary school

James Bond (007) is a _________________________ ( P S Y )

Sherlock Holmes is a private _____________ ( E T E V E T D C I )

Elton John is a ___________________ ( E S G R I N E R G I N S )

Jim Carrey is an ___________________ ( T C O A R O C T R A )

William Shakespeare is an ________ ( A __________O H T R R __________O A T H )

When I'm sick , I call the _______ ( O C R T D O R D T O O C )

Who gives the letters ? It's the __________________________ ( M A T S O N P S M P A T O N )

Who drives the plane ? It's the ______________________________ ( O P I T L I P L O T )

Jimmy Hendrix is a _______ ( G T __________I S A T R I G I R I T S A T __________)

A primary school ____________ ( A T E E C R H E T C E H A R ) teaches in a primary school

James Bond (007) is a __________________ ( P S Y P S Y )

Sherlock Holmes is a private ______________________________ ( E T E V E T D C I E E T D I T V C E )

Контрольная работа ( апрель)

Ex1. Раскрой скобки , используя одно из следующих времён: Present Simple, Future Simple,Past Simple, Present Continuous.

1. He ( swim) in the river every summer.

2. I ( read ) the book now.

3. We (bye)a new house next year,

4. They (write ) an interesting letter yesterday.

5. Last summer my friends (visit) London.

6. You (watch) TV now.

7. He (help) his mother tomorrow.

8. We ( go) to school every day.

Ex. 2. Задай к каждому предложению :

– общий вопрос

– альтернативный вопрос

– специальный вопрос

– разделительный вопрос

– вопрос к подлежащему

1. We like green tea very much.

2. He'll do the exercise next week.

3. They took the bed two days ago.

4. They are eating sweets now.

Ex. 3 Переведи.

1. Я знаю четыре летние месяца. Первый летний месяц в Великобритании это май. После мая идёт июнь.

2. Есть четыре времени года: весна, лето. , зима и осень. Сейчас весна. Сейчас тепло и солнечно. Погода хорошая.

3. Девочки любят носить платья, блузки и туфли. Мальчики обычно надевают брюки или джинсы. . , рубашки, футболки и ботинки.

Метки: Иностранный язык