Бесплатная публикация статей в журналах ВАК и РИНЦ

Уважаемые авторы, образовательный интернет-портал «INFOBRAZ.RU» в рамках Всероссийской Образовательной Программы проводит прием статей для публикации в журналах из перечня ВАК РФ по направлениям: экономика, философия, политология, педагогика, филология, биология, сельское хозяйство, агроинженерия, транспорт, строительство и архитектура и др.

Возможна бесплатная публикация статей в специализированных журналах по многим отраслям и специальностям. В мультидисциплинарных журналах возможна публикация по всем другим направлениям. 

Журналы реферируются ВИНИТИ РАН. Статьям присваивается индекс DOI. Журналы включены в международную базу Ulrich's Periodicals Directory и РИНЦ.

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Задания на повторение темы "tag-questions"

Задания на повторение темы "tag-questions"

Complete the following tag-questions:

1. You are going to ask the questions, …. ?

2. You will spend your holidays in the country, …?

3. Your father can speak English very well, …?

4. Your friend never swims in winter, …?

5. You are a pupil, …?

6. Your mother didn’t go to the shop yesterday, …?

7. They are going to study Literature, …?

8. We shall spend our holidays in Great Britain, …?

9. His friend can speak English very well, …?

10. I never play tennis in winter, …?

11. You are not a doctor, …?

12. The girl helped her granny about the house last week, …?

1. Passengers should be at the airport two hours before take off, . . . ?

2. You can keep your hand luggage with you when you travel by plane , . . . ?

3. Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, . . . ?

4. You will be able to help your mother tomorrow, . . . ?

5. Tourists shouldn’t have an insurance policy, . . . ?

6. People must keep the planet suitable for living, . . . ?

7. Your homework must be done every day, . . . ?

8. People in hospitals should be visited, . . . ?

9. A traveler must stay in the country longer than his visa allows, . . . ?

1. Pupils must be at school at half past eight, …?

2. Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, … ?

3. You should help your classmates, … ?

4. Pupils should not think that Russian is more important than Maths, … ?

5. You must do your homework every day, … ?

6. Pupils should be polite, … ?

7. English words cannot be easily learnt, … ?

8. Teachers should be strict, …?

1. We saw the statue of Peter Pan yesterday, …. ?

2. My aunt won’t publish her new poem, …?

3. It was sunny on Monday, …?

4. Bob has been to Madam Tussaud’s museum, . . ?

5. I like the capital of England, …?

Ловкова Я. С. , ГБОУ СОШ №1924, Московская область

Метки: Иностранный язык