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  • Библиотека
  • Иностранный язык
  • Тематические монологические высказывания для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку (устная часть, задание 3)

Тематические монологические высказывания для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку (устная часть, задание 3)

Sports and keeping fit

I think sport is very important for us and it has become popular  lately. 
As for me, I do sports. In winter I ski or skate and in summer I swim a lot.  Firstly, keeping fit doesn’t  mean only doing sport. It also means healthy way of eating. Secondly,  I try to keep to a diet.  I usually eat meat, fish, a lot of vegetables and fruits. I also drink milk every day and eat dairy products. Besides, to be healthy I do morning exercises, walk a lot and try not to use public transport or a car.  What’s more, sport helps me to be strong and  healthy. I think everyone should try to keep fit and avoid eating junk food.
In conclusion, I would like to say that keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and I try to lead an active life.

Your future plans

It is very important to make the right decision about your future.
I have already made up my mind. After finishing school I will enter the Institute to get higher education.  I want to be a computer programmer.  So I am  going to concentrate on Maths and IT.   I know these subjects are difficult. Moreover, if I want to be a good programmer I should know a lot.  That’s why I am going to attend some special courses to brush up my knowledge.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to make a decision beforehand in order to prepare for exams and enter the Institute.

Ecological problems

Nowadays  ecological problems are becoming more and more important  especially in big cities such as Moscow where I live in.
Moscow is a big city and I can say that it also has ecological problems. Air pollution, water pollution and litter are among them. Firstly, air pollution is the biggest problem. It is caused by fumes of cars and wastes from factories and plants.  People use a lot of cars that pollute the atmosphere in Moscow. Besides, factories and plants pollute air as well and, as a result, acid rains appear and damage trees, forests and soil. Secondly, water pollution is as dangerous as air pollution. Factories and plants dump wastes into rivers and lakes making them dirty.  Another point is litter which is one of the most urgent problems of big cities.  Every day we throw away a lot of litter, for example, paper, glass, plastic.  Moreover, people recycle only 4% of litter and  it is dumped.  But in order to survive we should improve ecological situation. First of all, people must use public transport instead of their own cars.  Secondly, they must use alternative sources of energy.  They must use less water. People must plant a lot of trees especially in big cities.  Also, we must begin to recycle litter.
In conclusion, I would like to say that we must not ignore the problems of environmental  pollution and we have to do everything to stop or at least reduce it.

Learning foreign languages

Nowadays more and more people study foreign languages. Some of them study European languages such as English, French and Spanish while others study such languages as Chinese or Hindi.
Firstly, people learn foreign languages to broaden their mind and to have the opportunity to read books in original. Secondly, they like to study languages because it is interesting.  Finally, they want to communicate with people in different countries while travelling abroad.  Some people go abroad to study foreign languages because people have a lot of speaking practice.  I think grammar is the most important because you should know how to make up a sentence in order to express your thoughts.  Without grammar you can’t say anything or understand a text in original. Vocabulary is also very important. You should know as many words as possible and always enlarge your vocabulary.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is essential to study foreign languages in order not only to read books but to learn the culture of other countries.

About hobby

Nowadays more and more people would like to have hobby. They want to do something in their free time.
I think it is good to have a hobby. Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to learn something new. Secondly, it makes your life brighter.  Finally, you can make new friends and share your interests with them. I am interested in collecting dolls in national costumes. it’s amazing to study customs and traditions of different countries.  Besides, national costumes are different from the ones in my own country. I prefer doing hobbies with my friends as we can exchange dolls with each other. What’s more, it’s great to have a friend who shares your interest.
In conclusion, I would like to say that every person should have a hobby as it makes your life more interesting.

Eating out

Nowadays more and more people eat out because as usual they have no time to cook at home as they are busy.
As for me, I prefer to eat at home. Firstly, I like my evening meal with my family.  We lay the table together.  We can discuss our problems  during the dinner.  Secondly, my mother is a wonderful cook and she always cooks delicious food.  Finally, I enjoy helping my mum to cook for the whole family. Sometimes I go to the restaurant or the cafe on special occasions such as birthdays.  But I usually eat out once or twice a year together with my relatives or friends.  If I go to the cafe, I usually have salads and fried meat. For the desert I usually take ice-cream.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I don’t like eating out as I like home meal. But occasionally it could be not a bad idea to eat something tasty in the cafe.

My family and bridging the gap

Every person has a family, big or small. The family plays a very important role in our life.
I would like to tell about my family. There are … of us: my mum, my dad, … and me.  My mother is a young woman – I don’t mean in years. I’m happy to have such a mother.  She is young in her behavior. My mum is easy to talk.  I can discuss practically everything with her. She always finds a minute to speak to me.  As for my dad, he is  clever, reserved, reliable. He is very helpful with my homework.  He is really good at Maths and Science. Ye is supportive and I can trust him.
In my opinion, there is no generation gap in my family as I get along with my parents. The always try to understand me.  We have a lot in common. We are interested in music, theatre and  we are fond of reading.  We read a lot. We like historical books and non-fiction.
As far as free time is concerned, the best way of spending our weekends is walking  in the park.  We like to walk. While walking we are able to discuss the latest news or the book I have just read. It’s interesting to hear their point of view.  Besides, they always give me tips what to read.  I like to listen to their stories about their youth: What music they listened to, what fashion they followed, what books they read.
To sum up, I think it’s great to have a family that understand you, the family you are interested to spend time with.

Team sports

It goes without saying that sports play a very important role in people’s life.  Some of them prefer to watch sports on TV while others go in for sports.
As for me, I play football in summer and I ski in winter.  Sports influence a person’s life greatly. Firstly, it helps to be strong. Secondly, it helps to develop a person’s character.  What’s more, sport gives you an opportunity to keep fit in our modern life full of stress.  I think team sports are more beneficial because they can teach you to cooperate with other members in your team. Besides, team sports are the best way of developing your leader’s traits of character.
In conclusion, I would like to say that every person should do sports. Sports are good for your health and sports can become your hobby. You can go on for sports together with your friends in your free time.

Список литературы.

  1. Ю. А. Смирнов «Сборник устных тем по подготовки к ГИА,  Издательство «Просвещение», Москва, 2012.
  2. Е. Н. Соловова, Е. С. Маркова, Н. А. Вышегородцева  «Тренировочные тесты, ОГЭ. Английский язык», Издательство «Титул», 2017.
  3. Ю. С. Веселова «Английский язык. Комплекс материалов для подготовки учащихся», Издательство «Интеллект-Центр», Москва, 2017.
