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Конспект урока английского языка в 5-м классе (обучение аудированию)

Тема: Past and Present of the UK (lesson 65)


1. Знакомство с историей проведения IV Олимпийских Игр в Лондоне в 1908 году, особенностями марафонского бега;
2. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков (повторение неправильных глаголов, употребление глаголов в Рast Simple в речи, количественных и дробных числительных, активизация в речи слов по теме Sports), развитие навыков аудирования и поискового чтения;
3. Развитие речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления учащихся;
4. Повышение интереса учащихся к занятиям спортом, здоровому образу жизни.

Оснащение: карточки, тест, магнитофон.

Учебный материал: текст для аудирования “Dorando Pietree”, учебник English–5.

Домашнее задание: упр.1(2), стр.225

План урока:

  1. Орг.момент
  2. Фонетическая зарядка
  3. Основная часть
    1. Аудирование

    а) снятие лексических трудностей
    б) аудирование текста “Dorando Pietree”
    в) контроль понимания (тест)
    г) беседа по тексту

  4. Чтение текста London Marathon

а) снятие лексических трудностей
б) выборочное чтение

Итог урока
  1. Домашнее задание
  2. Итог урока


  1. Орг.момент

Good morning, my dear friends!

Glad to see you!

Let’s begin our lesson.

Фонетическая зарядка

We’ll start today’s lesson by drilling sounds.






  • Read and translate the proverb:

Health is better than wealth.

  • Translate the word “healthy”.
  • What should we do in order to be healthy?

Yes, we should go in for sports.

  • We’re going to speak about sports today.

- What kinds of sports do you know?

- Do you go in for sports?

- Do you want to take part in the Olympic Games?

  • Guess the meaning of the words:

Olympic Games



Bronze medal, gold medal


Distance, a long-distance race

Metre, kilometre

Mile, yard

Minute, second


Start-finish, the finish line, cross the finish line



  • What is Windsor Castle?(p.343)
  • Read the words:

Were held–проводились

Different countries – разные страны


Was tired out – был очень уставшим


Can–couldуметь, мочь

Himself – сам

Important – важный


  • Translate the verbs into Russian:







Dorando Pietree

The fourth Olympic Games were held in 1908. People have build the White City Stadium in London. There was a swimming pool on the territory of the White City Stadium. Sportsmen from different countries came to London. Dorando Pietree came there, too. He was a cook from Italy.He didn’t get any medals. But he became the hero of the Olympic Games.

The sportsmen had to run from Windsor Castle to the White City Stadium. It was a long-distance race (42 kilometres long). The sportsmen started running in thе morning. Dorando ran very well. But he was tired out. He fell many times. He came up to finish and fell. Two men helped him to cross the finish line.

Dorando Pietree didn’t get any medals because he couldn’t cross the finish line himself. Dorando didn’t get a medal but he became a hero of the Olympic Games because “the most important thing in Olympic Games is not win but to take part…”


Choose the right variant and guess the word.

1. Where were the fourth Olympic Games held?

1) New York L
2) London M
3) Paris N

2. They’ve built

1) the Blue City Stadium O
2) the Red City Stadium E
3) the White City Stadium A

3. There was… on the territory of the stadium.

1) a cafе S
2) a supermarket V
3) a swimming pool R

4. The sportsmen had to run

1) 42 kilometres A
2) 24 kilometres E
3) 67 kilometres U

5. Where was Dorando Pietree from?

1) America S
2) Great Britain B
3) Italy T

6. What was he?

1) a cook H
2) a writer K
3) a teacher W

7. The sportsmen started running

1) in the morning O
2) in the afternoon I
3) in the evening A

8. Dorando Pietree got

1) a gold medal R
2) a bronze medal M
3) he didn’t get any medals N

Choose the right variant, write out a letter and you’ll guess the word.

Did you guess the word? /marathon/

What does it mean?

Did Dorando run well?

Why did he fall down many times?

Did he cross the finish line?

Did he cross the finish line himself?

Did he get a medal?

Why didn’t he get a medal?

Can we call him a hero?

Translate into Russian:

The most important thing in Olympic Games is not win but to take part just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

Read and translate:

26 miles, 385 yards, 42.195 kilometres

2 hours 8 minutes 16 seconds

Say in English: 18, 19, 85, 90, 84, 81, 96

Say in English: 1908, 1896, 1981, 1984, 1990s, 1985

Open your books at page 225

Найдите слова, которые вы уже слышали в предыдущем рассказе.

Translate into English: первые современные олимпийские игры, проходили в Афинах, в свободное время, в течение долгого времени, бег на длинную дистанцию, очень популярный вид спорта, с 90-х годов, принадлежит британцу Стиву Джонсу.

Translate into English: Люди часто занимались марафонским бегом в свободное время.

Женщины не бегали на длинные дистанции в течение продолжительного времени.

Find the information about the London Marathon, a marathon

At home: ex. 1, p. 225(reading)

What is marathon? Is it a popular sport?

Where were the fourth Olympic Games held?

Was Pietree a hero?

Complete: Health is…

The most important thing in… is not… but to…

(Olympic Games, win, take part)

The lesson is over. See you tomorrow!


Метки: Иностранный язык