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Мониторинг, 7 класс

Мониторинг, 7 класс

1. LISTENING. Аудирование.

Вы услышите текст о дедушке Робина. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите выбранный вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A1. The grandfather is nearly 60. T F

A2. Robbies granddad is a music teacher. T F

A3. His pupils dont like his subject. T F

A4. The granddad lives in the country. T F

A5. He goes to school by bus. T F

2. Чтение. Reading.

Прочитайте историю. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Обведитеправильныйответ.


One morning a London boy was sitting in the bus on his way to school. He was sniffing all the time and makng such a noise with his nose that the other people in the bus began to shake their heads.

At last an old man who was sitting next to him said: "Little boy, have you got a handkerchief?" – "Yes, Ive got a clean handkerchief in my pocket," said the boy, "but I cant let you have it. Mother says its not polite to ask anybody for a handkerchief. You must have and use your own. "

A6. The story happened in __________

a) Great Britain

b) Russia

c) Germany

A7. The boy was getting to school by __________

a) car

b) bus

c) tram

A8. The boy was __________

a) funny

b) sick

c) rude

A9. The old man who was sitting next to the boy asked the boy

a) to give him a handkerchief

b) what was his mothers name

c) to use a handkerchief

A10. The boy __________the old man.

a) gave a handkerchief to

b) didnt answer

c) didnt understand

3. se of English. Лексико-грамматические упражнения.

Прочитайте предложения. Выберите такой предложенный вариант (a, b, c), который позволит сделать предложение грамматически и лексически правильным. Обведитеправильныйответ.

А11. I __________get up very early every day. I live near school.

a) mustnt b) dont have to c) wont have to

А12 . My mother is __________school teacher.

a) a b) the c) –

А13. Look at the man __________is standing at the corner.

a) who b) which c) where

А14. We need __________tomatoes. Im going to the shop.

a) some b) any c) few

А15. He is very popular and has __________friends.

a) many b) much c) a lot of

Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыводномизследующихвремен: Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Past Simple или Future Simple.

В1. Different kinds of sport (be) popular in Russia.

В2. He (go) to the south a week ago.

В3. I (not do) my homework yesterday.

В4. Look! The boys (play) football outdoors.

В5. Where __________you (go) next summer?

4. Writing. Письмо. (задание типа С)

You want to meet your friend in the city centre. Write a short note (50-70 words) and:

– suggest a place of the meeting

– inform him/her where the place is

– arrange the time of the meeting

– ask him/her to confirm that he/she will be there

Ты хочешь встретиться со своим другом в центре города. Напиши короткую записку (50-70 слов) и:

– предложи место для встречи

– расскажи, где находится это место

– обговори время встречи

– попроси друга подтвердить, что он придет на встречу



А1 А2 А3 А4 А5 А6 А7 А8 А9 А10 А11 А12 А13 А14 А15

Результаты выполнения заданий типа В с ответом в краткой форме.

Номер задания Ответ


ROBBIES GRANDFATHER (Верещагина «Английский язык» 4 класс)

My grandfather lives in the North of England. He is nearly 60, but he is strong and he works. He is a maths teacher. My grandfather is very kind and his pupils like him a lot. They say he is an excellent teacher and they are never tired in his class. He never forgets anything and explains his subject very well. He always speaks in a friendly voice and so they enjoy his lessons.

My grandfather lives in the country and every morning, five days a week, gets the bus to school. He doesnt have to change as the bus takes him right to the school. Its a through bus. He gets off the bus at half past eight or there about.

My granddad likes to do many things, but he likes travelling most of all. He often goes to different cities (perhaps once or twice a month) and sometimes he goes to other countries too. He travels by sea, by train or flies. He likes voyages very much and often takes pictures on board the ship. He likes the sea and the wind.

И. Н. Филиппова, ГБОУ СОШ № 546, Москва

Метки: Иностранный язык