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Олимпиада по английскому языку для 7 класса

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 7 класса

  1. Fill in the blanks, using the verbs in need form:

This summer I……( to be) in the country. I …. . ( to be) very lucky. The weather…. (to be) fine all the time. My friends and I …( spend) a lot of time outdoors swimming, diving, riding our bikes and skateboarding. We also…. . ( enjoy) picking berries and gathering mushrooms in the nearest forest.

2. Fill in the missing letters:

a) a…t

b) t…m. . table

c) in…orma. . ion tec…. nolog…

d) hi…t. . ry

e) l. . ter…tur…

f) E. . gl. . sh

3. Complete the opinions with suitable arguments:

1) I like history because…. .

2) Biology is boring because…. .

3) I think P. E. is very useful because…. .

4) I don’ t like English because…. .

a) we learn by heart a lot. That’ s boring!

b) we discover new thing.

c) There’s a lot of homework in it.

d) We do different physical exercises and play games.

4. Complete the sentences, using talkative, hardworking, creative, sociable, lazy.

1. A person who produces new and original ideas is….

2. A person who works hard is….

3. A person who likes to talk a lot is. .

4. A person who likes to be with others is….

5. A person who doesn’ t like to work is….

5. Match the parts:

To go Maths lessons

To spend a lot of time doing smth

To miss a pen

To take to school

6. Fill the blanks:

1) I know English………. ( good, the best, better) than Masha.

2) Maths is the ……. . (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) subject.

3) History is my……. ( least, last, lastest) lesson.

7. Fill in the table:





Person, to study, Maths, hardworking, the first, the third, possibfriendly, lazy, the second, to learn, to teach, Biology, to read, chemistry.

7. Make up the general question and negative sentence:

Our students will take part in the competition the day after tomorrow.

8. Make up the general and special questions:

We swam in the river every day.

9. Give the right translation of the sentences:

1) I wrote a letter to Britain yesterday.

a) Я написал письмо.

b) Я напишу письмо.

c) Я написал письмо вчера.

2) I have already written the letter.

a) Я написал письмо вчера.

b) Я уже написал письмо.

c) Я напишу письмо завтра.

3) I am writing a letter to my friend at the moment.

a) Сейчас я пишу письмо моему другу.

b) Я буду скоро писать письмо другу.

c) Я уже написал писал письмо.

10. Translate from Russian into English, make up the general question, negative sentence and special question:

Я поеду в этом году на море

Метки: Иностранный язык