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Олимпиада по английскому языку для 8 класса

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 8 класса

1)Put the adjectives you fing in the table



– and,-ent, -ient

– ed

– ing

– sul

– ic

– ive

– less

– ious, -ous

– ible, -able

– y


Tradition, communicate, responsibility, respect, culture, history, excellence, limit, munc, remark, interest, conversation, understand, ambition, care, create, wonder.

2)Continue the sentences, using, a red rose, a daffodils, clover, thistle

1. The sumbol of England is …

2. The symbol of Wales is…….

3. The symbol of Scotland is…. .

4. The symbol of Northem Ireland –

3) Write the, then it need:

1)( The ) England,( the) Republic of Ireland,(the) Scotland, (the) Wales, (the) nited Kingdom, (the) Russian Federation,(the) Russia.

4) Make up the general question and negative sentence:

I listened it about Enland.

5) Make up the general and special questions:

It was the beautiful place.

6) Fill in the blanks, using the herby in heed form

The different parts of Britani have their own emblems. They are plants . In the 15th century there was a series of wars in England, which were called the Wars of the Roses. They were between the Dukes of Lancaster and the Dukes of York over who should be King. The emblem of Lancaster was the red rose and the emblem of York was the white rose. The Duke of Lancaster won , so the emblem of England is the red rose.

7)Fill in the missing letters:

Ente… faint…ent, fo…ei…ners, h…pocri…ical, sn…bbi…h, re…li…tic, ca…ef…l, dr…nk…rs

8) Odd the different word:

1. London, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Trafalgar, The State of Liberte/

2. The Russian Federation ,Kremlin,Oltawa.

3. The sa,New York, Washington , Sun Francisco, Canada Chicago

9)Complete the sentences, using talkative, hardworking, creative, sociable, lazy.

1. A person who produces new and original ideas is….

2. A person who works hard is….

3. A person who likes to talk a lot is. .

4. A person who likes to be with others is….

5. A person who doesn’ t like to work is….

10) Give the nouns, adjectives, verbs, which associated with this words:



The SA-

Метки: Иностранный язык