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урок по теме `Family` 5кл. уч. Биболетовой

урок по теме `Family` 5кл. уч. Биболетовой


1. активизация изученного ранее материала в новых ситуациях, актулизация лексики по теме «Семья»

2. знакомство с речевым этикетом ( учимся говорить комплименты)

3. актулизация навыков устной речи по теме «Семья», совершенствование навыков чтения (чтение с полным пониманием текста)

4. Воспитывать любовь , уважение к семейным ценностям


Магнитофон, компьютер, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока :

Good morning ! How are you? Feeling friendly? You are welcome! We shall have a wonderful time together. Don*t worry. You*ll feel happy. My name is …What is your names? Nice to meet you. (Pleased to meet you)

2. Речевая зарядка. Знакомство с речевым этикетом.

How are you? How is he (she)? What a nice day today ,is not it?

You look wonderful! You speak English very well!

Well, children, a terrible thing happened. A bad magician put a spell on one of our boys. He became angry, rude, hostile. What shall we do about it?(Shall we say good words to him?)слова и комплименты на доске.

You are so…

You are good fellows. Look! You help the boy.

This is a poem from “Mother Goose Rhymes” It is about kind attention to people.

Hearts, like doors , will open with easy

To very , very little keys.

And don*t forget that two of these

Are” I thank you “ and “If you please”.

Let*s play( Now we are going to play “ A kindness Ring” game.

I wish you to be … (kind, clever, helpful, hardworking, brave, honest)

3. Введение в экспозицию урока. Отработка и актуализация лексики по теме « Семья».

Today we are speaking about family? I think you know the words connected with our topic “Family” very well.

There are two sheets of paper . Write down all words connected with “Family” ( Brainstorm)

The next game---– Find the words( даны слова mot, grand, her ; mi,fa,ly ; ter,sis ;cou,sin; re, pa,nts ;bro, ther ; nep,hew ; au, nt ;da, ugh,ter. ) Who is ready? Raise your hands.

4. Чтение с основным пониманием прочитанного. Ответы на вопросы.

. We have a letter . ( текст на доске, у учащихся, вопросы на доске )

Let*s read it . Answer the questions.

Look through the text, characterize Jane*s family. The example helps you.

To my mind----------– *s family is -----------------

I think -------------*s family is--------------

se the words friendly, hospitable, loving, caring, close, conservative, traditional, good,…your variant. .

5. Актуализация навыков устной речи по теме. Постановка проблемной задачи и её решение

What is a happy family?

You have some flowers on the blackboards. You have some parts of flowers with sentences.

# There are many children in a happy family.

# Parents understand their children in a happy family.

# All members of the family are friends in a happy family.

# They always help each other in a happy family.

# Parents and children love each other in a happy family.

# They spare much time together in a happy family.

# They work, play, go to the circus , park, travel together in a happy family.

Come here and choose. Who is the first?

Read them . Do you listen attentively? Do you agree with these opinions?

What is the happy family?

You are good readers, good listeners. You know English words well and what about singing.

What are you singers?

6. Заключительная часть урока.

Look at the blackboard . Let*s sing the song “We are a happy family “

Your hometask is Do you think your family is a happy family? Tell us about your family.

The last task What is the happy family for you?

For me the happy family is loving family.


10th December 2007

Dear Friend,

My name is Jane. I*m 12 years old. I*d like to visit Russia, but first I want to find many new friends in your country.

Look! It*s me and my brother Steve. Also my family consists of father, mother, two my sisters.

My mum*s name is Iris. She is 38. She is housewife. My dad*s name is Tom. He is a doctor.

My elder sister Kathy is a student. My mother says she is a good daughter. My younger sister is a pupil as me. We go to our comprehensive school. I like Drama, Art, English lessons.

My brother is a baby. He is very funny.

I love my family. We all friends and we love each other. I help my Mum to clean the rooms. It*s not difficult for me. We spend a lot time together. We walk, play different games, travel.

With love,


1. What is her mother*s name?(father*s, sister*s brother*s)

2. How old is Jane?

3. How many members of the family does Jane have?

4. . Is this family happy? Why?

Метки: Иностранный язык