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урок по теме `История спорта` 8 кл. к учебнику Кузовлева

урок по теме `История спорта` 8 кл. к учебнику Кузовлева Задачи: 1) чтение с полным пониманием текста

2) на основе прочитанного учить делать сообщение по теме «Виды спорта»

3) повторение и активизация лексики

4) аудирование (listening for specific information)

Ход урока:

Sport plays a very important role in people*s lives. Millions people take part in some kind of sport. They go in for running , jumping, boxing and so. Many people are spectators, they watch sport competitions on TV, on stadiums. There are lots different kinds of sport. What are they?

Sports ------– Winter





Brainstorm. Work in groups. ( листы бумаги)Write down words connecting with our topic ”Sport”.

Roundtable. Change your places and add new words.

Come to the blackboard? Find words and put them on the blackboard.

Who knows the words best?– Let*s play this nice game, begin so” I know 5 winter sports. . ”

I see, you know many kinds of sport. I know, some of us are good sportsmen, like sport and PE lessons.

Why do people go in for sport?

Выражения на доcку ( I think that; I agree with; In my opinion; As for me; In my view)

Why do people go in for sport To keep fit

To relax

To be fit, strong, healthy

To be active in life

You are right. Healthy person can learn, work well, be active in life.

There are two proverbs.

Health is better than wealth.

Healthful habits make healthy bodies.

Can you explain them?

If you are healthy, you…. .

If people do morning exercises, go in for sports……. .

Here are the 10 sports. ( структура Numbered Heads Together)

Fishing rugby football

Table tennis racing

Golf badminton

Cricket croquet

Football lawn tennis

Grade them according to how popular in Great Britain you think they are.

Tick sports which you think are invented in Great Britain.

I think…

Are you agree with…?

Let’s listen to some information about British sport. Listen to me and correct some of them, they are false.

1) Cricket is an American national winter sport.

2) The English don’t like to play lawn tennis. They prefer table tennis.

3) In England darts always are played on a grass field.

4) Polo is a game like tennis. Two person play on open court.

( I agree with you…. Sorry, I disagree with you

You are spot on…. You are wrong.

You are right…. I’m afraid, you are mistaken)


We’ll read text about “Sports in Great Britain”; about history of some kinds of sport.

Организация КУД в группе на основе общего текста.

Цель: понять точно и полно информацию о видах спорта, которые созданы англичанами, и научиться рассказывать о них своим товарищам.

Учебный материал: печатный текст, упр. 1(2) стр. 120;упр. 3(3) стр. 246

1. прочитайте текст, найдите в нем ответы на вопросы, прочитайте их вслух.

I. a) Which kinds of sport have originated from Great Britain?

b) Which game can be called the most popular game in the world?

c) What kind of football do the English play?

d) Which is the English national summer sport?

f) What kinds of racing do you know?

g) How was rugby?

h) Where does a typical cricket match take place?

i) What is the name of the Scottish national game?

II. Which English sports centers are associated with these sports?

1) Wembley A) horse– racing

2) Wimbledon B) association football ( soccer)

3) Derby C) lawn tennis

Answer the questions

Which description fits which game? (аудирование) Listen to me

2. Составьте рассказ о футболе ( о рэгби), и перед этим заполните пропуски

1. Football is the national …in…. It is played by two teams of…. in each team.

2. Football has … played with proper … since…

3. Each rugby …. team consists of …. . players.

4. They …… with an… ball.

3. Постарайтесь запомнить рассказ, воспроизводя его по цепочке, все вместе, индивидуально. Работайте , пользуясь схемой.

* Football is the most popular game.

* …. . . . is winter game in Great Britain.

* ……. from late August till the beginning of May.

* the final of the football competition

at Wembley stadium

– …. . has been played for 100of years.

– …… proper rules since 1863.

Rugby football has originated ….

They…. . with an oval ball.

……was started in 1823.

Since 1845 …. . has been played

amateur game professional game

different rules

4. Определите порядок высказывания. Сообщите, о чем будет ваш рассказ.

My story is about …

I want to tell you…

You are clever. How good for you!

Let’ s evaluate our work. ( рефлексивная контрольно– оценочная деятельность)








Were active, emotional, had many volunteers to answer

Tried hard, helped each other

Exercise interesting/ boring/ difficult for me/ I want to add/ fair/ good/ excelent

Метки: Иностранный язык