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учебно-исследовательская работа на английском языке `Chronicle of a komi-permyak festival`

учебно-исследовательская работа на английском языке `Chronicle of a komi-permyak festival`


The national culture is the experience of the people materialized in objects of art, work and life: these are traditions, ceremonies, customs, beliefs; these are the world outlook, moral and esthetic values defining the person of the nation, its originality, and uniqueness, its social and spiritual feature.

However, the most part of spiritual heritage and subjects of national culture are lost. This process is going on today. In this crucial moment we can finally destroy spiritual communication of contemporaries with cultural traditions and creative experience of last generations. It is necessary to attach to national culture.

Nowadays we can see a number of positive tendencies in this sphere: perspective projects of revival of national culture in regions are developed.

The traditional festive and ceremonial culture represents really unique possibilities for realization of this task. National holidays and ceremonies – are the brightest and original components of traditional art culture and the most interesting phenomenon of its earliest type – folklore.

Roots of the majority of folk festivals leave at the time of paganism. Despite thousand-year efforts of the Orthodox Church, many ancient ceremonies and rituals remain in national tradition up to now. We have to save the originality of the nations.

The object of our research is discovery of an original komi-permyak festival.

Staged aims:

– to study information about komi-permyak folk festivals and ceremonies;

– to chose one of the most original of them;

– to describe and present it

Chapter I

The komi-permyak and their folk festivals.

The area of Komi-permyak nation is stretched in the northwest of the Komi-permyak autonomous region. There are lots of mystical legends about these soils and people living there.

Being very few in number, the Komi-permyak were first mentioned in the Russian chronicles as early as in the 12th century. Those territories were integrated into the Moscow state in the second half of the 15th century.

The town of Kudymkar, being the center of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Area, is located on the banks of the Inva River two hundred kilometers away from Perm. Its name hailed from the settlement named after Kudym-Osh, a legendary epical hero who was deemed the ancient keeper of Parma. The recorded history of Kudymkar dates back to 1579 when it was first mentioned in the cadastres. Kudymkar is enlisted among the historical places and the monuments of Russia.

The ral is rich with woods, rivers, lakes and mountains. Infinite riches are stored in bowels of this subsoil. The ral always attracted people, but to live here it is necessary to have special character: vigorous and fighting. Lots of nations share these gorgeous lands. The cultures of these nations intertwined therfore many customs lost the originality. Folk festivals of the Komi-permyak are generally similar with Russian ones.

Esteeming the main Christian holidays, the Komi-permyak filled them with the contents of national outlook. So, in certain holidays sacrifices (Bykoboy on the Flora and Monastery day, cutting a ram on the St. Elijah's Day, chickens on Golendukh, etc. ) continue existing. Various beliefs, bans, rules of behavior are linked with the child birth, farewell of a soldier, a wedding and a funeral. It is possible to observe cult of the ancestors shown in a funeral ceremonialism. There are beliefs about sorcerers, different unusual creatures living in houses, forests and rivers who influence on human life.

Chapter II

Syrchik is flying to break ice!

The vast majority of komi-permyak folk festivals are closely connected with orthodox customs. All the folk festivals and ceremonies are the reflection of life, well-being and riches. Their sense is to stand against evil and attract luck. These holidays are often linked with seasons.

For most of nations meeting of spring is associated with the Shrovetide and Easter. However the Komi-permyak has a special day. The symbol of spring is a wagtail – a delightful small, long-tailed and rather sprightly black and white bird. While it is standing it is frantically wagging its tail up and down. And the komi like it very much. This festival is hold on April 23 and called “Syrchik”

As well as for many other people the arrival of birds is associated with spring. The komi-permyak believe that the rivers are opened for the twelfth day after the wagtail arrival.

This day young men and women assemble on a picturesque meadow to meet ‘syrchik’. A stake is driven in the middle of the place. A straw stuffed wagtail is placed on the stake. People make fires around it. One girl leaves the circle and goes to the barn with baked eggs in hands. It climbed up and put their crumbs on the roof. The wagtail is considered to fly, eat and bring a good crop. Then the girl comes back to sing and dance. After dancing all play various games and treat everybody with cookies in the form of birds and sentence: ‘Eat, praise and ask the wagtail to bring a good summer!’

Noticing a wagtail people shout: ‘Syrchik is flying to break ice!’ This little bird is considered to do this by movement of the tail. Then people watch the bird: If it flies high the summer will be great and plenteous. The wagtail promises good luck to all who saw it.

So you can easy find out similarities and differences between orthodox and original komi-permyak meeting of spring.


So what it comes down is the originality of a nation is most strongly shown in its folk festivals. Komi-permjak folk festivals are closely connected with orthodox customs. However there are some original folk ceremonies their roots are in the paganism. All the festivals and ceremonies are the reflection of life, well-being and riches. Their sense is to stand against evil and to attract luck.

Having studied some articles about folk festivals in Russia we can conclude that meeting of spring for the most nations is associated with the Shrove-tide and Easter. But for the Komi-permyak invitation of spring is the meeting of the wagtail. In the picture of this folk festival we can see the mixture of general orthodox traditions and original ones.


1. Климов В. В. , Чагин Г. Н. Круглый год праздников обрядов и обычаев коми-пермяков, Кудымкар Коми-Пермяцкое книжное издательство 2005

2. Чагин Г. Н. , Народы и культуры Урала в XIX-XX вв. Екатеринбург,2002.

3. V. Muller, New English-Russian dictionary,Moscow Publisher ALTA-PRESS 2003.

4. Markus Willer, The Oxford Russian-English dictionary, Publisher Arena-Press 2002.

5. http://www. culturemap. ru

6. http://www. avocado. ru

7. http://interprazdnik. narod. ru

Метки: Иностранный язык