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Дидактические материалы по теме `Путешествие`

Дидактические материалы по теме `Путешествие` Разработка заданий для отработки лексико-грамматического материала по данной теме, клише и ситуации для составления диалогических высказываний.


I love to travel. During my vacations I usually make a trip (. . . a journey, a voyage).

I choose the route for a trip, a means of transport and book a ticket at an advance booking-office beforehand.

On the eve of my departure I pack my suit-case. To tell the truth, I like to travel light.

On the day of departure 1 go to Perm 2 (the second) railway station, Bolshoye Savino airport or the river-boat station, where I board (get on) a train (a plane, a motor-ship).

I prefer to travel about the country. I have travelled by plane (by air), by train (by rail), by motor-ship and by car.

When I was a junior pupil, I liked to go on walking-tours (walking trips) in summer and to make skiing trips in winter.

I usually go to the sea (to the Black Sea), to the Caucasus or the Crimea. I`ve been to Anapa, Sochi, Adler and Yalta. Sometimes I go to the South through Moscow.

Last year I had a good time in the Caucasus and did the sights of our capital. Moscow`s historical and architectural monuments` impressed me deeply. I went to the Red Square and visited the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Art Gallery and the Palace of Sports in Luzhniki where I saw a variety show.

Next summer I am going to make a trip on a motor-ship (. . . to make a voyage) along (down) the Kama as far as Astrakhan.



During my vacations, a journey, a voyage, choose the route, a means of transport, an advance booking-office, beforehand, on the eve of my departure, to travel light, on board the motor-ship, a rai1way station walking-tours, the Caucasus, the Crimea, do the sights, architectural monuments, impress, a varietyshow.


I choose the route, a means of transport and. . . . . .

On the eve of my departure I . . . . . . . . . . .

I prefer to travel. . . . . .

When a junior pupil, I liked to go. . . . . .

Sometimes I go to the South. . . . . . .

I usually go to the sea, to the . . . .

I had a good time in the Caucasus and. . . . . .

Moscow`s historical and architectural monuments. . . . . .

I went to the Red Square and visited the Kremlin. . . . . .

Next summer 1 am going to make a trip. . . . .


How do we usually spend our vacations?

How do we prepare for a journey?

Where does this boy prefer to travel?

What places (cities) did he visit?

How did he spend last summer?


1. I book a ticket at an advance booking-office beforehand.

2. To tell the truth, I like to travel light.

3. On the day of departure I go to Perm 2 railway station, Bolshoye Savino Airport or the rivet-boat station.

4. When I was a junior pupil, I liked to go on walking-tours in summer and to make skiing trips in winter.

5. Sometimes I go to the South through Moscow.

6. Last year I had a good time in the Caucasus and did the sights of our capital.

7. Moscow`s historical and architectural monuments impressed me deeply.


1. On the eve of my departure I pack my suit-case. (when? what?)

2. I liked to go on walking-tours. (who? where?)

3. I did the sights of Moscow (where? what?)

4. Moscow`s historical monuments impressed me deeply. (what? how? why?)

5. In the Palace of Sports I saw a variety show. (where? what? when?)

se the following models in your dialogues about travelling

1. How can I get to the station? Как я могу добраться до вокзала?

2. When does the train (plane, ) leave? Когда поезд (самолет) отправляется?

3. When does the train (plane, ) arrive in? Когда поезд (самолет) прибывает в ?

4. How long is the flight? Какова продолжительности полета?

5. How much is it? Сколько это стоит?

6. Do I have to pay for my luggage? Мне надо платить за багаж?

7. What date do you wish to travel? В какой день вы хотите вылететь (выехать)?

8. Are you going to pay by credit card or by cash? Вы будете платить кредитной картой или наличными?

9. Youll need by all means. Вам нужно (взять с собой) во что бы то ни стало.

10. are not necessary. нет необходимости (брать с собой).

11. Id like 1 (2) single (return) ticket(s) to Я бы хотел 1 (2) билет(а) в один конец (в оба конца) в

12. impressed me most of all in произвели на меня глубокое впечатление в

13. We enjoyed our trip (voyage) to Нам понравилась наша поездка (морское путешествие) в

14. Well have your ticket ready in an hour. Ваш билет будет готов через час.

15. It is rather convenient. Это довольно удобно.

Variant 1.

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова, данные в скобках:

(landed, miss, porter, journey, is arriving)

1. We should hurry up if we dont want to ______ the train.

2. They asked the ______ to help them with their luggage.

3. Our plane _________ 20 minutes ago.

4. She __________ in Perm tomorrow.

5. He enjoyed his __________ to the South very much.

Variant 2.

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова, данные в скобках:

(reached, through, are looking forward to, booking-office, fasten)

1. You can book the tickets at an advance _____________ beforehand.

2. We _________ our trip to St. Petersburg next week.

3. They _________ the railway station in time.

4. The stewardess asked us to ___________ our belts.

5. Last year they went to the South __________ Moscow.

Situations for Dialogues

Situation 1.

You are phoning to a travel agency to book a single ticket for a motor-ship to Samara.

Situation 2.

You (and your friend) are going to Anapa by train next week. Buy return tickets for this train.

Situation 3.

You are going on a business trip to Moscow. Book a return ticket for a train there.

Situation 4.

You are going from Moscow to London by plane next month. Book an open return ticket there.

Situation 5.

You are flying to New York. Book 2 return tickets for your friend and yourself.

Situation 6.

You want to make a trip down the Kama as far as Astrakhan. Book the tickets for a motor-ship in an advance booking-office.

Метки: Иностранный язык