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Тема урока: «SHOPPING FOR FOOD» (Покупка продуктов)

Тема урока: «SHOPPING FOR FOOD» (Покупка продуктов) Тема урока: «SHOPPING FOR FOOD» (Покупка продуктов)

Цели: развитие умений и навыков говорения по теме «Продукты».

Задачи :

практические – тренировка произносительных навыков; активизация

лексических и грамматических навыков (Present Simple, Past Simple, модальные глаголы);; тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции; ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме "Продукты"; развитие навыков и умений говорения и чтения; активизация грамматических навыков (место имения some, any),

образовательные – обогащение страноведческих знаний о стране изучаемого языка,

развивающие – развитие памяти, логического мышления, воображения, языковой догадки.

воспитательные – воспитание морально-этических норм, чувства дружбы и взаимоподдержки.

Оборудование: картинки по теме «Продукты», картинки для введения новой лексики, грамматическая схема, магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Good morning, children!

Cl -Good morning, teacher!

Teacher. Sit down, please. I`m glad to see you.

Cl – We are glad to see you too.

Teacher. My best wishes to you . You are clever, brave, creative and logical creatures. It`s time to begin our lesson.

Our topic today is « Shopping for food» . We`ll learn the new words, act out dialogues and remember some grammar rules

1 минута

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. Listen, read and learn the poem. (хором и индивидуально)

Wash the dishes

Wash the dishes, wipe the dishes,

Ring the bell for tea;

Three good wishes, three good kisses

I will give to thee.

1 минута

III. Речевая разминка

Pupils answer the following questions:

1. What do you have for dinner?

2. What did you have for dinner yesterday?

3. What soup (meat or fish) do you like?

4. Do you have soup for breakfast?

5. Do you like ice-cream?

3 минуты

III. Введение новой лексики

T. It`s time to lean some new words. You can see them on the pictures of exercise 20, page 134.

Try to read the new words and read the new combinations. (учащиеся сначала читают слова шепотом, затем вслух. )

Ex. 20, p. 134. Repeat the words after the teacher:

a loaf of bread

a glass of water

a kilo of apples

a tin of corn

two bars of chocolate

a litre of milk

a slide of meat

a cup of tea

three pieces of cake

a bottle of water

a bag of sweets

These words are given with the transcription. Pupils read the transcription of these words from the blackboard.

T. Who wants to read the words loudly (slowly, quickly)? Look at my pictures now. What can you see in the picture?

P1. I can see four pieces of cake.

T. How many bottles of cola does the girl have?

P2. She has two bottles of cola.

T. Did Karlson eat one bag of sweets?

P3. No, he didn`t. He ate three bags of sweets.

T. How many tins of corn did Mother buy?

P4. She bought one tin of corn. Etc.

7 минут

IV. Активизация лексических навыков.

a) Complete the crossword. (индивидуально с последующей проверкой на доске)


о b

t о m a t о

a n c

t с a b b a g e

о n r

p e a r r












b) Teacher. The next task for you is a snowball game (работа по цепочке).

P1. Egg.

P2. Egg, cheese.

P3. Egg, cheese, sugar.

P4. Egg, cheese, sugar, bread.

8 минут

V. Активизация грамматических навыков.

a) Teacher. Remember this rule, please.


There are some bread at home.

Can I have some tea?


Is there any bread?

There is not any bread on the plate.


There is no bread on the plate.

Pupils write down this rule in their exercise-books.

b) Ex. 24, p. 136. Answer the questions. (работа в парах)


Is there any juice in the bottle?

P1. Yes, there is some.

P2. No, there is not any juice in the bottle.

c) Ex. I, p. 139. (индивидуально или парами).

Choose: some, any, no:

1. There is water in the glass.

2. There aren't vegetables on the table.

3. Can I have orange juice?

4. Is there dress in the bag?

No, there isn't _ _.

5. Are there sweets in the bag?

Yes, there are .

6. Hobbit has tea in his cup.


There is some water in the glass. There aren't any vegetables on the table. (Pupils can do this exercise in pairs. )

10 минут

VI. Физкультминутка.

T. It`s time to have a rest. Will you stand up? Who wants to recite the poem and show the exercises?

Ten little fingers

Ten little toes

Two little ears

And one little nose.

Two little eyes,

They shine so bright.

One little mouse

To say « Good night»

Физкультминутка проводится учеником.

2 минуты

VII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. (работа в парах)

a) Ex. 25, p. 136.

Teacher. Complete the dialogues. se: some or any.


P1. Can I have some milk, mum?

P2. I'm sorry. There is not any milk today. I hope you'll go and buy some.

Pupils complete the dialogues and then act them out.

b) Ex. 21, p. 135.

Teacher. Say what the Dragon will have for his lunch today.


P1. The Dragon will have a glass of milk for his lunch today.

P2. The Dragon will have two bars of chocolate for his lunch.

P3. The Dragon will have a loaf of bread for his lunch.

c) Ex. 22, p. 135.

Pupils are devided into 3 teams.

The task for the 1st team

Teacher. Say what you usually have for breakfast (lunch), dinner.


P1. I have an egg and a cup of tea for breakfast.

P2. I have some bread and butter and a cup of milk for breakfast / lunch.

P3. 1 have soup, meat and potatoes and a cake for dinner.

The task for the 2nd team

Teacher. Say what you had for breakfast, dinner yesterday?


P1. I had some cheese and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

P2. 1 had soup, fish and cabbage for dinner yesterday.

The task for the 3 team.

Teacher. Say what you will have for breakfast, lunch, dinner tomorrow?


P1. I will drink a cup of coffee for breakfast tomorrow.

P2. 1 will have an egg and a cup of tea for lunch tomorrow.

P3. 1 will have soup, meat and potatoes for dinner tomorrow.

10 минут

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher. Your work is wonderful at the lesson. I think you are tired. Let's sing the song "I like food".

The song

I like food I like food,

I like eating lots and lots of food (2 times)

Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,

Cakes and biscuits too.

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,

And salted mushrooms too.

Учитель оценивает работу каждого ученика и в целом работу всего класса.

T. That`s all we have time for. Our lesson is over.

Good bye, girls and boys.

2 минуты

Homework: ex. 2, p. 137; ex. 4, p. 138.

1 минута

Метки: Иностранный язык