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Тема урока: "BE POLITE!"

Тема урока: "BE POLITE!" Цели: обучение проектной технологии.

Задачи: практические – тренировка произносительных навыков; активизация лексических и грамматических навыков (Present Simple, Past Simple, модальные глаголы); развитие навыков и умений говорения и чтения;

образовательные – расширение кругозора о стране изучаемого языка.

развивающие – развитие образного мышления, памяти, логики.

воспитательные – воспитание морально-волевых качеств и норм этики.

Проектная технология (информационно-прикладной проект)

I этап.

– Подготовка, определение темы и целей по данной тематике.

II этап.

– Планирование (определение источников информации, определение способа представления результатов (тематические плакаты).

– Распределение задач и обязанностей между участниками (создание плакатов по 4 тематикам:

1) безопасность дома;

2) безопасность на улице;

3) соблюдай чистоту;

4) хорошие привычки.

III этап.

– Исследование проблемы:

1) опрос одноклассников перед написанием плакатов;

2) подбор необходимых иллюстраций к плакатам.

IV этап.

– Достижение результатов (работа над фонетикой, лексикой и грам матикой используемого языкового материала).

– Написание плакатов-инструкций с иллюстрациями.

V этап.

– Оглашение результатов (защита тематических плакатов-инструкций).


I. Introduction.

II. Warming-up.

a) Pupils sing the song "Excuse me, please".

Excuse me, please!

Excuse me, please, oh, please, excuse me, Can you help me, please? I wonder, can you tell me the time? I wonder, can you tell me i If I'm going to be late for a meeting at eight?

Excuse me, please, oh, please, excuse me,

Just a moment, please.

I wonder, can you show me the way?

I'm looking for somewhere. But its getting so dark.

Down by the station in the park

But its getting so dark.

I don't want to be late.

I don't want to get lost.

I'm sure that the meeting's at eight.

But I can't remember which road to cross.

Excuse me, please.

I don't want to be late.

Excuse me, please, oh, please, excuse me.

Can you help me, please?

I'm sorry, but I need a pound.

Can you lend me one now

And I'll see you around here quiet soon.

At the latest next June?

b) Pupils answer the questions:

1. Do you wash your hands before you eat?

2. Do you clean your teeth before you sleep?

3. Do you bathe every day?

4. Do you play with fire?

5. Do you touch electrical wires or electrical sockets?

1. Do you play by the road side?

2. Do you sit too close while watching TV?

3. Do you often trim your nails?

4. Do you throw your litter on the ground?

5. Do you save water and electricity?

III. Phonetic exercises.

Teacher. Read and translate the words*:

medicine electrical wire socket



to accept a gift



to push

to seek shelter


traffic light

to trim nails




*These words are given with the transcription.

Pupils read these words together with their teacher. Then they read and translate the words in turn.

IV. Lexical activities.

Teacher. Translate the phrases:

1) трогать электрический провод и электророзетки;

2) подрезать ногти;

3) принимать подарки от незнакомца;

4) бросать мусор на землю;

5) кашлять и чихать.

Pupils translate these phrases:

Pi – to touch electrical wires and electrical sockets.

P2 – to trim nails.

P3 – to accept gifts from a stranger. P4 – to throw litter on the ground. P5 – to cough and sneeze.

V. Reading.

Pre-reading activities. Ex. 21, p. 119.

Before reading the story about a clever bird pupils put the verbs in brackets into the necessary forms: come-came run – ran о see – saw jump – jumped begin – began want – wanted be – was, were

Reading activities.

1. Pupils read the text using the necessary forms of the verbs.

2. Pupils read the text playing different roles (the cat, the bird).

Post-reading activities.

a) Ex. 22, p. 119.

Teacher. Choose the title for the story. Explain why.

– All is well that ends well.

– Why cats wash after dinner.

– The clever bird.


P1. 'I think the title of the story should be "All is well that ends well", because the cat couldn't eat the bird. The clever little bird was in the garden in a tall tree. The bird began to sing.

b) Ex. 23, p. 120.

Teacher. Find out who said:

1. "Now I can have breakfast".

2. "You can't have breakfast now ".

3. "The farmer and his family always wash their hands before


4. "I live with a farmer's family and I must do what they do ",

5. "I must wash, but I must wash after dinner ".


The cat said: "Now I can have bread".

c) Ex. 24, p. 120.

Answer the questions:

1. Do your pets wash before or after they eat?

2. What do you do for your pets? Pupils answer the questions:

Р1 I have a cat. My cat's name is Sport. Sport is funny and clever. It washes after the meal.

P2. As for me. I have got a clever dog. My dog's name is Jack. I like to look after Jack best of all. I feed my dog, go for a walk with Jack.

VI. Speaking.

a) Ex. 25, p. 120. Monologue.

Teacher. Look at the pictures, learn and follow Miss Chatter's manners:

1. If you want to visit your friends, call up before.

2. Don't be late. Come in time.

3. Wash your hands before you eat.

4. Don't talk with your mouth fall.

5. Say "thank you" and "good-bye".

Teacher. And now close the books and repeat these rules, please. Pupils should remember these rules and tell them to their class mates.

b) Ex. 26, p. 121. Dialogic speech.

Teacher. Are you polite at the table? Read and act out.

Pupils dramatize the dialogue.

Paul (P1). Miss Chatter, can I have some coffee?

Ms. Chatter. Sorry. It's too late. You won't asleep well.

Paul (P2). Can I have some milk, then?

Mr. Chatter. Yes, dear. Here it is.

c) Ex. 27, p. 121.

Teacher. Complete the dialogue. Nancy (P3). Grandma, can I have some sweets? Grandma (P4). Sorry. It's too late. You mustn't eat them at this rime.

Nancy (P3). I say, Grandma. Can I have some chocolate? Grandma (P4). Sorry. It's bad for your teeth. Nancy (P3). And can I have some fruit? Grandma (P4). Yes, dear. Here you are. Nancy (P3). Thank you.

VII. Project technology (защита плакатов).

V этап проектной технологии. (Представление результатов. )

1) Тематический плакат-инструкция "Безопасность на улице"

("Safety in the Street" .

a) Cross the road only when the traffic light shows a green light.

b) Do not play by the road side.

c) Do not talk to strangers.

d) Do not accept gifts from a stranger.

2) Тематический плакат-инструкция "Безопасность дома"

("Safety at home" .

a) Do not let strangers into the house.

b) Do not touch electrical wires or electrical sockets.

c) Do not play with fire.

d) Do not play with bottles of medicine.

3) Тематический плакат-инструкция "Соблюдай чистоту!" ("Be

clean!" .

a) Brush you teeth in the morning and before you sleep.

b) Remember to bathe every day.

c) Trim your nails.

d) Wash your hands before you eat.

e) Be clean and tidy.

4) Тематический плакат-инструкция "Хорошие привычки" ("Good habits" .

a) Help Mummy and Daddy with the housework.

b) Save water and electricity.

c) Do not throw your litter on the ground, place it in the rubbish bins.

d) Do not sit too close while watching TV.

e) Help people in need.

Каждая группа учеников (2-3 человека) защищает свой плакат, наглядно иллюстрируя каждую инструкцию.

VIII. The conclusion of the lesson.

Homework: ex. 28, p. 121; ex. 5, p. 126.

Метки: Иностранный язык