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Тема урока: MY FAVO RITE SCHOOL S BJECT Цели: развитие навыков аудирования, совершенствование речевых навыков по теме. Задачи:

практические – тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по теме Школа"; активизация лексических и грамматических навыков; совершенствование речевых навыков; развитие умений находить конкретную информацию на основе прочитанного текста; практика в восприятии речи на слух.

образовательные – расширение кругозора;

развивающие– развитие мышления, логики , памяти, воображения;

воспитательные – прививать любовь к школе к учебе и к одноклассникам.


I. Introduction.

П. Warming-up.

Teacher. Good day, dear pupils. Glad to see you.

a) Answer my questions, please.

1. When does school begin in Russia?

2. At what age do children usually begin school?

3. Do schoolchildren have classes outdoors?

4. Do you play outdoors before classes?

5. What games do you play outdoors?

6. What interesting things do you learn in class?

b) Teacher. Listen to the poem "When the Sun is in the sky". Read and learn it.

When the Sun is in the sky

I get up and open my eyes,

I wash, put on my dress and a pair

Of shoes and all the things I wear.

Then walking off to school I go

To learn the things that I must know.

Ш. Phonetic exercises.

a) Teacher. Read the proverb, give the Russian equivalent. Then

learn it!

A good beginning makes a good ending.

b) Teacher. Read and translate the following words. Pronounce

the sounds in transcription of the words correctly!

Subject Day of the week Classroom

Maths Saturday blackboard

Literature Monday desk

English Tuesday table

Handicrafts Wednesday computer

Music Thursday cassette recorder


IV. Lexical activities.

a) Ex. 4, p. 147. Translate into English.

1. отвечать на вопросы учителя;

2. переводить с на;

3. читать тексты;

4. разговаривать по-английски;

5. петь песни;

6. задавать вопросы;

7. учить наизусть;

8. писать слова.

Pupils translate these phrases into English:

P1. – to answer teacher's questions,

P2. – to translate from (English) into Russian,

P3. – to read texts,

P4. – to speak English,

P5. – to sing songs,

P6. – to ask questions,

P7. – to learn by heart,

P8. – to write words.

b) Find 5 words and write them correctly:

pen vi puter

com dic deo cil

ru ler tionary

с) Think of 5 things you can see when you come into the classroom. Example.

P1. A blackboard, a bookshelf, a lamp, a teacher's table, a desk. Teacher. Can you name more? Who is the champion?

V. Speaking.

a) Monologue.

Teacher. Imagine that many friends have come to our school, or will you meet your friends? what will you say?


P2. Welcome to our school, dear friends. We are glad to see you and hake your hands. You can take off your coats and leave them here, in our cloakroom. And now, please, this way, here.

b) Монологическая подготовленная речь.

Teacher. What will you show to your friends?

P3. First of all we'll show our display stand (выставочный стенд) of photos about our school life. It can help us to tell our guests about our school.

P4. And under the photos we'll write the following:

P5. 1. We usually collect scrap metal in our school. 2. We always work in our workshops on Fridays.

Р6. 3. We often do physical exercises in the gym. But sometimes we do physical exercises in the sports ground in the schoolyard. 4. We always help juniors with their homework. P7. 5. We often rehearse a puppet-show.

. c) Role-playing.

Teacher. And now show your school to your guests. Who wants to be a guide about your school?


Guide. This is our library. We take and read books here. This is the Assembly Hall. We hold all sorts of meetings and parties here. The room next door is the gym. We do physical exercises here. The door opposite the gym is the Teacher's room. On the wall near it you can see our timetable.

d) Dialogues.

Teacher. Read this dialogue and act it out. I wonder. What is your favourite subject?

The dialogue

(Ann) P1. Are you good at Maths?

(Mike) P2. I'm sorry I am not.

(Ann) P1. What a pity! And you, Steve?

(Steve) P3. Yes, I am. It's my favourite subject.

(Ann) P1. Will you help me with it?

(Steve) P3. Willingly. With pleasure.

(Ann) P1. Oh, thanks a lot. You are a real friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

VI. Reading.

Teacher. Read the text and say when English children begin school.

Primary school in England

In Great Britain school begins at the age of five. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of 16.

In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school never begins on Monday. The English think that Monday is not a good day to start school. So pupils usually begin their school year on the first Tuesday of September.

Pupils read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Do English boys and girls usually leave school at the age of 16 or 14?

2. When do English children begin their school year?

3. Does the school year begin on Monday in England?


P1. English pupils usually begin their school year on the first Tues day of September.

VII. Listening.

Pre-listening activities.

Teacher. Listen to the text and say to what schools English children go:

– when they are 5,

– when they are 7,

– when English children finish Primary school.


Pupils listen to the text and fill in the gaps.

Primary schools in England

English children have classes (five) days a week. They never have classes on (Saturday) and (Sunday). Classes are usually over at (four) o'clock.

Schools in England have names, not numbers.

At the age of (five) children go to Infant schools. In infant schools they spend much time (outdoors).

When children are (seven) they go to Junior schools. They spend four years there till they are (eleven). When pupils are (eleven), primary school is over.

Pupils answer the questions given before listening to the text:


P1. At the age of 5 English children go to Infant schools. P2; At the age of 7 English children go to Junior schools. P3. When English pupils are 11, primary school is over.

VIII. The conclusion of the lesson.

Homework: ex. 3, p. 147; prepare for the test.

Метки: Иностранный язык