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Путешествие по Алтайскому краю

Путешествие по Алтайскому краю Travelling across our region

Цели: – создать условия для обсуждения и закрепления темы Мой родной край в форме заочного путешествия;

– расширить кругозор учащихся в процессе изучения темы;

– создать условия для воспитания чувства любви к родному краю.

Задачи: – стимулировать учащихся к получению информации через чтение, аудирование;

– создать условия для организации учащихся мини– высказываний по теме Мой родной край;

Пособия: карта Алтайского края, фотографии известных людей, кроссворд

Ход урока:

1. Оргмомент: Учитель объявляет тему, задачи урока.


Why is it

When I am in Rome,

I`d give an eye to be at home,

But when on native earth I `ll be

My soul is sick for Italy


Why do I begin the lesson with these words.

Children , look at the blackboard:

What do you see? -A map of Altay region

Why do we need this map? – We speak about our region.

Have you ever travelled? – Yes, I have

Why do people travelled? (ассоциограмма)-

To see sights

Learn about this place

Make friends

Visit new places

How do you interpret them?

Do you want to know about people and our region completely?

Let` s make an imaginary travelling across the Altay kray. We` ll stop in different places and make unusual stays. Let us go.

II. The first station is Proverbs

1. We cannot go further without doing this task. You must find the half of these proverbs:

Every country hasIts customs

East or West-Home is best

There is no pace -Like home

The wider we travel– The welcomer home

2. The second stop is Geographical Fist of all match this information with figures:



22License plate code

What do these numbers say to us ? – information about the Altay territory.

Now answer the questions and make up a short story:

a. What is the capital of your region?

b. Where is Altay situated?

c. How many cities are there in the Altay region?

d. What are the largest rivers?

e. Where were you born?

Can you make up a story of your region

3. Our travelling goes on. The next stop is Literary Your task is to listen to the texts and guess who these famous people are. These photos help you to do the task. (Шукшин, Рерих, Лисавенко, Калашников)

A. He was a famous painter who was born in 1874 in St. Petersburg and died in India. The 23-year-old painter got a praise from Ilya Repin. Over his long life 91874 1947) he drew about 7000pictures. He founded museums, educational establishments and scientific societies for spreading the ideas of peace and intellectually advancing man ( Nikolay Rerikh)

B. He is a famous actor, humorist, politician. He was born in Novokuznetsk in 1957. When he was 2, the family moved in Altay. They lived in the village Verkh– Obskoye. Many years he worked in the humour show Anshlag. In 2004 he was elected as a governor of the Altaisky region. He died in 2005, he had a car accident. (Michail Yevdokimov)

C. He was born in Srostki in 1929. He was a famous writer, actor , director. He was very popular and talented. His wife Lidia Fedoseyeva . They have 2 daughters, one of them is a leader of the TV program Wait for me (Vasiliy Shukshin)

D. He is very famous in region, country and abroad. He is the Soviet fruit farmer and plant breeder. He was the director of the fruit farm in Barnaul. He was the Hero of the Socialist Labour. Michail Lisavenko)

E. He is famous all over the world, because he is a creator of arms, first of all submachine gun. Armies all over the world use his arms. Every boy knows about these weapons and his name. In 2007 there was a weapon– show in Izhevsk. People celebrated the 60-th anniversary of his submachine. (Michail Kalashnikov)

4. We have one more task here. Let` s read the text about Novoaltaysk and then do the test. (текст и тест о Новоалтайске)

5. The last station is Crossword

6. Thank you for your active work. Our travelling is over. Let ` s look at our proverbs. Which of these proverbs can be the motto of our trip. Why do you think so. Explain your choice.

Your homework is to discuss with your partner where you would like to go, which sights you` d like to see or say impression of such travelling.

Метки: Иностранный язык