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Сценарий выступления учащихся 4 класса в рамках проведения недели иностранного языка в школе

Сценарий выступления учащихся 4 класса в рамках проведения недели иностранного языка в школе Pupil 1: Dear friends!

My name is …. .

My birthday is on the …. of ……. . .

I live with my mum and dad.

I like to play football with my friends and listen to the music.

I like summer because it is hot and sunny in summer and there is a lot of free time.

I can swim well and ride a bike.

I have a cat. My cat’s name is Tom. It is funny.

I like ice – cream and fruits best of all.

I am ten and I go to school.

My favourite lesson is English.

Now, let’s watch the funny stories at the lessons of English school.

At the English Lessons


Teacher: Why were you late? Give me the note from your mother!

Pupil: (shows the note)

Teacher: “Tom came late because he broke his leg”. Take your seat.

Teacher: Our lesson is about seasons of the year.

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In spring it is warm and trees are green.

In summer it is hot and there are a lot of flowers in the fields, in the parks and in the gardens.

In autumn there are a lot of apples. They are red and sweet and good to eat.

In winter it is cold and snows …

(Suddenly the teacher stops and looks at Nick. )

“Nick, stop talking! Now, answer my question! When is the best time for apples?”

Nick: It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog at home.


Teacher: Good morning, children. Sit down, please. Today we begin with mathematics.

Now, John, will you tell me how much five and one is?

John: (is silent) (Children began to prompt) – Don’t prompt! (angrily)

Teacher: You can’t answer such a simple question! How can that be?

Listen, John. If I give you 5 cats and then one more cat, how many cats will you have?

John: Seven.

Teacher: Seven? How do you make that out?

John: I have one cat at home.

Teacher: You always joke, John. I am sure Bob will answer my question better. Stand up, Bob, and answer. If you take a potato and divide it into four parts and each of the four parts into two parts, what will you have?

Bob: Potato salad.

Teacher: Now, you, Jane, will you please tell me how many fingers you have?

Jane (counting her fingers): Ten.

Teacher: If four fingers were missing what would you have then?

Jane (happily): No music lessons.

Teacher: Tell me, please, how old is a person born in 1920?

Pupil: Please, madam, lady ore gentleman?

Teacher: Teddy, if your brother has six apples and you take two from him, what will be the result?

Teddy: He will beat me.


Teacher: What is the shape of the Earth?

Pupil: It’s round.

Teacher: How do you know it is round?

Pupil: All right, it’s square then. I don’t want to start an argument about it.


Teacher: Your Russian exercises are always better than your English ones.

Pupil: It is because my mummy doesn’t know English.

Teacher: Jimmy, what are the three words which pupils use most often at school?

Jimmy: I don’t know.

Teacher: Correct.


Teacher: Who took the Waterloo, Sam?

Sam: I say the truth, sir, I didn’t take it.

Teacher: How many wars had Spain had in the fifteenth century, Alex?

Alex: 6.

Teacher: Right! Enumerate them.

Alex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Метки: Иностранный язык