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Театральная постановка спектакля "Волшебник Изумрудного Города"; 7 класс. Ч. 1

Театральная постановка спектакля "Волшебник Изумрудного Города"; 7 класс. Ч. 1 Цели проекта:

1. Развитие творческого потенциала учащихся

2. Повышение уровня международного и межнационального общения.

3. Развитие работы в сотрудничестве, ответственности и самостоятельности.

Задачи проекта:

1. Научить преодолевать психологический барьер общения на иностранном языке.

2. Повысить качество знаний учащихся по иностранному языку посредством освоения новых технологий, способствующих развитию учащихся и педагога в творческом взаимодействии и сотрудничестве.

3. Развить познавательные и творческие способности учащихся, мотивацию к обучению с целью наиболее эффективного усвоения фундаментальных знаний по английскому языку.

4. Привить учащимся любовь к театральному искусству.

Проблемы и ее актуальность:

Искусство – одно из основных составляющих пространства культуры, наряду с правом, моралью, религией, философией. В них человек раскрывает себя, воплощает во внешних формах свою внутреннюю сущность и обогащает данный ему мир результатами переработки тех элементов, которые были им почерпнуты из объективной реальности. Поэтому, говоря о художественном развитии, должно помнить, что уроки искусства – это сфера формирования культуры личности и область освоения культурного наследия во всех формах его проявления. Создание для детей условий ощущения радости от общения с искусством, воспитание стремления заниматься художественным творчеством, развитие желания участвовать в общем, коллективном творчестве является непременной предпосылкой благополучия гимназии. Деятельность театра на английском языке может сыграть свою положительную роль в образовании и воспитании подрастающего поколения, в формировании личности гражданина.

Актуальность данной работы и круг вопросов, заинтересовавших ребят, совершенно очевидны:

1. Что даёт постановка любого произведения на иностранном языке?

2. Как своими силами реализовать на сцене замысел автора?

3. Почему постановка произведений на основе русского народного творчества или по мотивам произведений русских или зарубежных авторов вызывает большой интерес у учащихся?


1. Прочтение литературного источника.

2. Просмотр художественного фильма или мультфильма с целью наблюдения за игрой актёров, сценическим действием, воссозданием эпохи.

3. Написание сценария на основе литературного материала на русском и английском языках.

4. Кастинг на роли главных героев и распределение всех ролей.

5. Изучение, подбор и изготовление костюмов для героев театральной постановки.

6. Подбор музыкального сопровождения и элементов декорации.

7. Репетиции спектакля.

Выводы: Постановка школьных театрализованных действий вполне по силам семиклассникам, вызывает у них интерес, раскрепощает их, помогает раскрыть свои таланты, обогащает духовно, подготавливает их к межкультурному общению. Прочтение литературных произведений через театральное искусство сопутствует лучшему пониманию замысла автора показанной им эпохи, развивает читательский интерес, литературный вкус.



Elli –

Totoshka –

Leader –

Kind magician Villina –

Kind magician Stella –

Frightened –

Iron Woodcutter –

Lion –

The Wizard of the Emerald City –

Guardsman Faramant –

Malicious magician Gingema –

Malicious magician Bastinda –

Elli’s Mother –

Inhabitant of the Emerald City -


Scene 1

(The van on wheels, Mother erases, hangs up linen, then feeds hens, Elli plays dolls, helps mother and echoes together with her, Totoshka runs and plays with Elli)

The leader (behind a shot) – Among the vast steppes of Kansas lived a girl Elli. Her father, farmer John, the whole day worked in the field; her mother Ann was busy striving on an economy. They lived in a small van with the wheels removed and placed on the Earth. Around the horizon stretched flat as a tablecloth, the steppe. In some places one could see the same poor houses like the house of John. Around them were arable lands, where farmers sowed wheat and corn.

Elli knew all the neighbours three miles around. Wide steppe did not seem despondent to Elli: it was her birthplace, her native land. Elli did not know any other places.

When Elli was becoming bored she called a gay dog Totoshka and went to visit her relatives. Totoshka barking jumped on the steppe, chasing crows and was immensely pleased with himself and his little mistress. Totoshka had black wool, pointed ears and small funnu glistering eyes. Totoshka never bored and could play with the girl all day long.

Elli (reading a book) – Mother, are there any wizards now?

Mother – No, my dear. Magicians lived during former times, but now they are extinct. And what for are they? There is a lot of trouble without them now.

Elli – It’s a bore without wizards. They can make different miracles for children.

Mother – What are they, for example?

Elli – Well, that’s what every girl or boy waking up in the morning can find under a pillow, for example, a big sweet spicy cake… Or (Elli reproachfully looked at her rough worn shoes), – Or that all the children have pretty easy shoes.


Mother – I was chatting with you, daughter and yet, look, a real hurricane is approaching. Hide in the cellar and I am running to pen cattle into the barn.

Elli – But Mother, where is Totoshka? I don’t want to leave my beloved dog. Totoshka! Where have you run? (ELLI CAME INTO A VAN WITH TOTOSHKA. THEY DISSAPPEAR. )

Scene 2

(In a deep cave of malicious magicion Gingema. She cooks magic potion. She dances with a broom)

Gingema – What has happened to the snakes’ heads? Where are they? I didn’t eat all of them at breakfast… Ah, here they are, in a green copper. Well, now potion will be great. Damn people! I hate them! Settled all over the world! Drain the swamp! Cut down the thickets ! All frogs have deduced! Killed snakes! Nothing tasty is left on the Earth!


– Oh, hateful people! That’s my potion and it is ready to destroy you! Sprinkle woods and fields, and the storm will rise which has never been on the Earth.


– Burst out, the hurricane! Fly over the world, like a mad beast! Scrap, crush, overturn houses! Throw them about the Earth! Susaka, Masaka, Lema, Rama, Gema! Burido, Furido, Pema, Fema!. . .


Scene 3

(Elli is awaken. She runs to the door and gasps in surprise. Old woman in a white robe appears)

Villina – Tell me how you ended up in such a far-away country?

Elli – I was brought here in this house by the hurricane.

Villina – Strange, very strange! Now you’ll understand my bewilderment. I learned that malicious magician Gingema wanted to destroy the human race and to populate the earth with rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magic art.

Elli – Are you a magician? And why did mother tell me that there are no more wizards?

Villina – Where does your mother live?

Elli – In Kansas.

Villina – Never heard of such a name. In this country live men and four magicians. Two of us – the magician of the Yellow country (it’s me – Villina) and fairy of the Pink country Stella are good and kind. A magician of the Blue country Gingema and the magician of the Violet country Bastinda are very malicious. Your small house crushed Gingema and now there is only one evil sorceress left in our country.

Elli – But I didn’t kill anyone.

Villina – I don’t blame you. It was me to save people from harm, deprived hurricane destructive force and allowed it to grasp only one small house to reset it on Gingema’s head. This house is always empty in a storm.

Toto – Totoshka, bow-bow, with your permission, ma’am! Yes, sad to admit, it was my fault.

Elli – Totoshka, you are talking. But it can’t happen.

Villina – You see, Elli, in this wonderful country not only people speak, but also all animals and even birds. Look around, do you like our country?

Elli – It’s not bad, madam. But at home is better. I wish to return home to mum and dad.

Villina – It’s hardly possible. I am afraid, my little girl, you’ll have to remain with us. But I forget that my magic book is with me. We need to look into it. May be I’ll find something useful for you…Found, Found!. . . Bambara, Chufara, Skoriki, Moriki, Turabo, Furabo, Loriki, Yoriki…! Great wizard Goodwin will return home a little girl brought to his country by hurricane if she helps 3 beings to achieve execution of the most cherished desires…Picapu, Tricapu, Botalo, Motalo…

Elli – Who is Goodwin?

Villina (whispering) – This is the greatest wise man in our country. He is mightier than all of us and lives in the Emerald city.

Elli – Is he malicious or kind?

Villina – No one knows. But don’t worry. Inquired diligently three beings, fulfil their cherished desires and Wizard of Oz will help you return to your country. The road to the Emerald city is far. It is paved by a yellow brick and you will not get lost. Farewell, my dear!

Elli – Then I have nothing to do hear. I’ll go to look for who has desires… But my shoes, they are very old and fragmentary – they are not for a long journey.

Toto – Don’t worry, Elli. I have seen something and I will help you.

Elli – You? (Toto disappears)

Toto – Don’t ask me where they are from. Well, it’s fine. I will tell you. I saw them in a big black hole in a grief. I was told by a little creature they are magic shoes. It seems that they contain a magic force, because Gingema put them on only in the most important cases. But what their power is, I don’t know. The road to the Emerald city is difficult and they will help you.

Elli – Oh, my dear daredevil. I’ll pass in these shoes tirelessly plenty of miles.

Scene 4

(The fence. A long pole with a straw scarecrow – to ward off birds. Toto runs onto the stage, then Elli runs in. A scarecrow quarrels with a tousled raven. Raven eats sunflower seeds. Approaches to the scarecrow and pecks him)

Raven – Carrhae – carrhae, such a stuffed animal! No sense from it at all! What is the odd fellow the farmer thought, that we, ravens, will be afraid of it?

Frightened – Psh – psh away, disgusting! Do not dare to peck me! I am terrible! (FRIGHTENED SEIZES THE RAVEN BY THE TAIL)

Raven – Oh, what a surprise! I all the same am not afraid of you! You will not get down from a pole after all!

Frightened – Go away! Oh, I’m so unfortunate! What am I valid for? Even a field I can not save from a raven. (THE RAVEN SHAKES OFF AND STOKES FRIGHTENED)

Raven – Don’t mourn so much! If you had brains in your head, you would be as all people! Brains is a unique thing at ravens an at the person.

Frightened – Hurray! Long live brains! I will get them at any price!

Raven Carrhae – carrhae, if there are no brains, and will not be. (RAVEN LEAVES. FRIGHTENED SIGNS SADLY)

Toto – It’s strange. On the one hand we are at home. Everything is familiar to me. But on the other hand, it is not our land. It seems to me that we have appeared in a fairy-tale/

Elli – Totoshka, don’t run! Wait for me. Oh!

Frightened – Good night! Forgive, I want to say good afternoon. How are you?

Elli – Thanks, well. But it is surprising and you can speak.

Frightened – Big please, oh, I wished to tell thanks. Excuse me, please/ I yet don’s know what to speak, but I like to speak very much. I was made only the day after tomorrow. Oh no, of course, the day before yesterday. I am a big fumbler, because I do not have any brains. And my head is filled with hay.

Toto – Not with hay but with straw. I have grown on a farm.

Elli – Have you got any cherished desire?

Frightened – Me? Oh, I have the whole heap of desires. First, I need the silver jingles on my hat, I need new boots, third to be stuck on a pole.

Elli – But you have already been stuck.

Frightened – You see how I am kidding. I need to be removed. Oh, extremely grateful. I feel like a new person. People called me Frightened because I have to frighten the ravens. And what is your name?

Toto – Toto, but my friends are allowed to call me Totoshka.

Elli – I am Elli. I am glad to have fulfilled your desire,

Frightened – Excuse me, Elli. But my greatest wish is to receive brains. It’s unpleasant when your head is stuffed with straw.

Elli – I am so sorry. Come with us to the Emerald city to see Great Goodwin and he will give you real brains. (ELLI HELPS HIM TO TAKE STEPS AND THEY LEAVE DANCING)

Метки: Иностранный язык