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Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе

Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе

Задачи урока:

1. Познакомить с праздниками и традициями в Англии

2. Воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка

3. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Приветствие

Good morning boys and girls! How are you today? I hope you are fine. Let`s start our lesson. What day is it today? What date is it today? Yes, today is the 23d of April. It is the birthday of William Shakespeare, the greatest English poet and playwright. But today we shall speak about one of the most important holidays and customs in Great Britain and compare with Russian one.

2. Вводное слово учителя

Every country has its own holidays and traditions. Traditions and customs are usually passed on from generation to generation. To know means to understand the people, their art and culture better. British people are considered to be the most conservative in Europe. They have many customs and traditions of which they can be proud and they carefully keep them.

So, the theme of our lesson is “Holidays and traditions in Great Britain”

British people celebrate many holidays but the most important are:

1. Christmas

2. New Year`s day

3. St. Valentine`s day

4. Easter

5. Mother`s day

6. Halloween

3. Ответы на вопросы

At the previous lessons we have read the texts about these holidays, so answer my questions, please.

1. When do the British people celebrate Christmas?

2. What are the main symbols of Christmas?

3. When do they celebrate St. Valentine`s day?

4. When do they celebrate Mother`s day?

5. What holiday do they celebrate the 31st of October?

6. Is Easter a religious holiday?

7. What are the main symbols of Easter?

4. Рассказы учащихся о праздниках в Англии

And now children let`s speak about these holidays. Your home task was to make greetings cards and prepare short stories about British holidays.

1. The first holiday is Christmas.

The traditional Christmas song is “Jingle Bells” . I suggest you to listen this song. If you know the words of this song let`s sing it altogether.

2. The next holiday is New Year`s day.

The 14th of February is St. Valentine`s day. Tell a few words about this holiday.

Children, who make greeting cards? Show them please and recite your poems.

3. The next holiday is Mother`s day.

Your greeting cards on Mother`s day.

In England it is a custom to carry a white flower if one`s mother is dead and a red or pink flower if one`s mother is living.

4. Halloween

Now we shall listen to a story of another holiday. Many years ago people believed in devils and witches. Children put on masks and went to the street to beg.

Tell us a few words about this holiday.

A favorite Halloween custom is to make jack-o-lantern. The children scare out a pumpkin and cut the eyes, nose and mouth. They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. They set jack-o-lanterns in the windows.

The popular Halloween costumes are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o-lantern.

5. Пасха и пасхальные традиции в Англии

They say so many countries so many customs. It`s natural, different countries have different customs and tradition. But as we are all creatures of our God, the Lord and Creator, we have much in common. Both Russia and Great Britain are Christian countries so the main Christian holidays are Christmas and Easter. Easter is called a moveable holiday because the date of Easter changes every year. Easter Sunday can fall on any day from March22 to April25.

This year British people celebrated Easter on the 23d of March and we shall celebrate Easter on the 27th of April.

So, let`s speak about Easter traditions in both countries: Great Britain and Russia.

The word Easter comes from the Anglo-Saxon: Eostre which is the name of the Goddess of spring and sunrise. It is the major holiday in the Christian world because on this day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

1. And now children, let`s read the text about important Easter symbols colored eggs and Easter Bunny. In the text you can find some unknown words:


Gold covered





Read the text, please.

Answer the questions

1. When did the decoration of eggs begin?

2. What kinds of eggs did the people be3gin to give instead of precious eggs?

3. How do they decorate eggs?

4. Why do the British people decorate eggs?

5. Did the mothers in the small villages have money to buy presents for Easter?

6. Where did they hide the eggs?

7. Whom did the children see near the pile of eggs?

So the rabbit became the symbol of Easter.

8. What is the typical British food?

Рассказ учителя о британских традициях празднования пасхи.

There are many other Easter traditions in Great Britain.

1. Easter baskets.

Easter tradition of Easter baskets also dates back to ancient times when people offered their eggs in grass nests to Eostre. Today Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons and straw.

2. Easter egg-tree.

The Germans were the first who make an Eater egg-tree. They colored and decorated the shells of eggs and hung them on a tree outdoors.

3. Hot cross buns.

One of the oldest Good Friday customs is eating hot cross buns. These sweet small buns marked with a cross of white icing.

4. Easter Parades or wearing new clothes.

One of the best known Easter customs is Easter parade or Easter bonnets parade. At Easter people buy three new clothes to wear on Easter Sunday. There is a popular belief that wearing new things on Easter will bring good luck in the year. After church services everyone went for a walk around the town. The most famous parades are in Battersea Park in London.

5. Abraham Morris Dancing

People are happy celebrate Easter. In England people celebrate it having springtime dances. In many parts of England dancers called “Morris Dancers” perform on Easter Sunday. The dancers performs are very old spring dances to frighten away the evil spirits of winter. Ribbons and little bells are tied on the dancers. As the dancers move quickly the bells ring and the ribbons wave.

6. Egg rolling

An old Easter custom is to roll hard boiled eggs down a hill. The last egg to break brings good luck to the one who has rolled it.

7. And there is one more custom. It is MaundyThursday.

The name Maundy derived from the Latin word mandatum meaning a commandment ( заповедь)

Jesus Christ at the last supper commanded “And now I`ll give you a new commander «love one another. As I loved you so you must love one another. ”

In England today the Queen follows a very traditional role of giving Maundy money to a group of pensioners. Every year on this day the Queen attends the royal service in one of the cathedrals and gives money to poor people. In 2008 82 male and 82 female pensioners received 82 coins in Maundy Thursday because the Queen is 82 years old this year.

6. Празднование пасхи в России

For Russian people Easter is also one of the most important holidays of the year.

1. Exchanging eggs. There is an old Russian Easter tradition – in this day people greet each other with three times kisses and with the

word “ Christ is risen”

2. Visiting the cemeteries. In some Russian regions people go to cemeteries and leave eggs and food usually kulich and paskha for the dead.

3. The traditional Easter food is kulch and paskha

4. It is an old Russian custom to open the cages and let birds go free on Easter.

7. Беседа об общих чертах и различиях празднования пасхи в Англии и России

And now let`s compare the celebrations of Easter in Great Britain and Russia. What are the common features in celebrating Easter in both countries?(The cross, the egg, the candle).

The tradition to put a candle during Easter services exist in all Christian countries.

And what are differences in celebrating his holiday?

Easter Bunny Exchanging eggs

Easter Parade Visiting cemeteries

Morris Dancing

Hot cross buns Kulich and paskha

As we have seen the ways of celebrating Easter in Russia and Great Britain are very similar.

8. Символы праздников

Each holiday has it`s own symbols. Name the symbols of the following holidays.

9. Кроссворд

Do the crossword, please

10. Заключительныйэтапурока

At our lesson we have spoken a lot about holidays and traditions in Great Britain. What British holidays can you name?

Do you celebrate any British holiday at home?

What traditions do you follow to celebrate Easter in our country? What British traditions do you know?

I think that you have learned much interesting at the lesson. So, your home task will be ex. 30. page77 in workbook. Read and translate the text “ How Carol celebrates Christmas”

I thank you for the lesson and I want you to give you some Easter presents colored eggs.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

Метки: Иностранный язык