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Моя семья

Моя семья “Family”

Vereshyagina textbook, 3

The aim of the lesson is to sum up the lexical and grammar material on the topic, leading to its logical end.

The goals are:

To form the communicative competention

To develop the speaking skills

To stimulate creative abilities

To develop the main mind processes such as memory, attention, thinking

This Educational Resource has the following functions:

a. Illustrative

b. Training

c. Controlling

As a result, high interactiveness, level differentiation, individualized teaching are achieved. The lesson becomes more interesting, productive and motivates pupils to study the language and not to lose interest in it.

Slide1. A family is people who are always close to us, who love us, help and we can’t live without them. (The function of the slide is to cause positive emotions on the topic, to recollect happy moments of one’s life, connected with the family)

Slide2. However, some families are large, some are small. Look at the pictures and name the members of the families. (The pupils describe the pictures; name the members of the families)

Slide3. And what about your family? Is it large or small? (The slide helps the pupils to make up sentences concerning their families grammatically correctly)

Slide4. You see, our relatives have some relations to other members of our families. Look at the table and give the full sentence. (This slide is purely grammatical. Here we practice the Possessive Case. However, the new lexical material is here as well, such as a niece, a nephew. Working on this slide, the pupils run to the blackboard one by one and draw the line reading their sentences aloud. )

Slide5. Well, we know that our nearest and dearest have to go to work every day. Some of the jobs are helpful and noble. So, what are these people? (This slide controls pupils’ writing skills (they are to write the jobs on the blackboard, if somebody makes a mistake another pupil fulfills the task); to some extent it can be called brainstorming because the pupils guess the profession on base of the information given. )

Slide6. Some families are very sporty. Look at the photos and say what the people are doing and can do well. (The slide is illustrative, firstly, and training, secondly. The children train Present Continuous, a new grammar tense and the verb can. The task contains the crib how to make the sentence correctly. )

Slide7. Form the new words from the given on the right to characterize your relatives. (This task is for group work as it is rather difficult to do it individually. Stronger pupils help their group mates to complete the task. )

Slide8. It helps pupils to sum up the learnt material and compose a monologue about one’s parent. Without any difficulties, feeling their success they tell their stories. Additions of any kind are welcomed. If there is enough time the children can make notes in the exercise books and finish the sentences.

Slide9. Though the 3rd year of education is mainly aimed on developing writing and reading skills, they are still very difficult for the pupils. And to make the process of remembering easier (no matter what form it is) I use schemes or some kind of drawings in my work. For poor pupils it makes speaking much simpler.

Slide10. Matching the auxiliary verbs with the gaps are pair work. Two pupils go to the blackboard and do the task together. They do it simultaneously with the time when the rest are speaking about their parents. Then others reflex their work and correct the mistakes if there are any. These questions should be used in their dialogues about families; the pupils can add their own questions.

Slide11. To make the lesson complete we can’t but remember the proverbs that are connected with our topic:

East or West home is best;

Home, sweet home;

There is no place like home;

The Englishman’s home is his castle.

Slide12. Its function is to praise pupils for their good work.

The home task is to write a composition “My family” (and after the checking to learn it).

Метки: Иностранный язык