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разработка урока английского языка "Kinds of music. Great composers"

разработка урока английского языка "Kinds of music. Great composers"



– развивать у учащихся умения монологической и диалогической речи;

– развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух;

– развивать умение читать с извлечением основной информации и с полным пониманием;


– формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к культуре других стран;

– формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально-культурной сфере;

– воспитывать культуру общения.


– развивать умения интерпретировать, критически оценивать произведения искусства, выражать свое мнение.


– обобщить и расширить знания учащихся о мировом художественном наследии;

– расширить общий и лингвистический кругозор учащихся.


– учить вести беседу о творчестве композиторов и о роли музыки в жизни человека;

– слушать аудиотекст о значении музыки с полным пониманием услышанного;

– читать текст и сопоставлять разные периоды в истории развития музыки с именами композиторов

– учить слушать классические произведения и описывать свои чувства от прослушанного;

– учить вести беседу на основе прочитанного текста

Оборудование: учебник О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. Английский язык. XI класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. -. :Просвещение,2010. ,магнитофон, аудиодиск к учебному пособию: С. А. Юнева «Открывая мир с английским языком. Говорение. » -«Интеллект –Центр». М. 2013. , раздаточный материал с текстом о Генделе и Бахе, аудиодиск с записью произведений.


I Greeting the students

II. Warming-up activities

Teacher: Can you imagine a day without music? Music is everywhere-at home, in a concert hall, in streets and parks, at the seaside and even in the forest. People cannot live without music. They listen to music, dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. Music may be different, but it goes without saying that it plays a great role in their life.

-What does music mean personally for you? I’ll give 1– 2 minutes for preparing for your answer to the question. You can use this key words card which I am sure will give you an idea and a good opportunity to practice your language skills.

Pleasant combinations of sounds |(not|)

The universal language understanding to everybody

To express feelings and emotions

To full energy

To have a healing effect on people

Favourite pastime

To surf on the waves of rhythm

To dive into the sea of sounds

To have somebody relax

To easy anxiety

To change somebody’s mood

To increase productivity

III. Practice of listening

Read the sentences A-H, listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the sentences A-H.

Ron Do you like listening to music, Cindy

Cindy I’m fond of listening to music. It plays a very important role in my life. I like listening to music, dancing to it, visiting concert halls, singing and --1 -----. Music gives me aesthetic pleasure and a better understanding of many things.

Ron I like listening to music, too. I’m fond of electronically-produced music because it fills me with happiness and excitement. I’ve fond ---2 -------. I often use online communities like YouTube and Facebook because they help me connect with other musicians , ------– 3 ----.

Cindy That’s great! I like listening to music online too.

Ron I think music has ---4 ------. Many people say that music is a universal language.

Cindy I can’t disagree with them. A composer speaks to us without ---5---------. Music is understandable to everybody no matter what language a person speaks. So I think it has the power----6------.

Ron |but people have different tastes in music, which may lead to –7-----.

Cindy you’re right. Still, I can’t imagine the world without music. It influences our emotions and ----8---– . to my mind, life without music would be less joyful.

A. a significant impact on our lives

B. playing musical instruments

C. misunderstanding between them

D. download and listen to MP3s and create my own

E. a great source of energy and inspiration in it

F. using any words

G. makes me happier

H. to unite people all over the world

IV. Announcing of the objectives of the lesson

There are two major traditions of music, generally known as classical and popular, although the line between them is not always clear. The term classical music is often used to describe the long tradition of serious music from the European Middle Ages to the present. The classics are often associated with orchestral music, but they also include solo music for instruments, opera and choral music. Today we are going to learn some information about different kinds of classical music, read about two great composers and have a talk on their biographies and creative works.

V. Informative reading (Work with the textbook)

-Will you take you books and find the exercises 53( page 52). Look through the text «Kinds of Music», find the main periods in the development of music and their characteristic features.

(Students scan the text)

VI . The use of the new knowledge

So, you’ve finished your research work, you’ve found the characteristic features of different kinds of classical music, and I’m sure that now you can name the composers connected with particular periods in the history of music.

Look at the portraits of some great composers ( page 49) and try to match them with the periods in the history of music.

VII. Speaking practice

Listen to two pieces of music and say what feelings this music arouses. se this key words card to make your speech more emotional. Can you guess the names of these works, their genres and the composers who created them?

( students listen to two oratories by Handel and Bach, express their feelings, try to guess the names of composers)

to conquer ( our hearts and feelings)


to inspire


to appeal to


to give somebody creeps


to make happy (sad)


to bring memory


to picture in ones mind


to provoke the picture


to impress


to sound


IX. Reading for discussing

During the celebrations music critics once more turned to the biographies of Handel and Bach and compared their music careers. The critics thought that such comparison was possible and permissible as Bach and Handel had been compatriots and contemporaries and both had turned to the same music genres. Analyzing their music careers, the critics pointed out how different their lives had been.

Will you read a text about their musical career and find if these sentences are true or false?

– Handel’s most successful works were oratorios

– His operas were appreciated in England

– Handel’s oratorios were the greatest contribution to European music

– Handel’s musical career was much more successful than Bach’s career

– Bach’s music was highly appreciated by his contemporaries

– Bach was a great organist

-His music is highly emotional and truly romantic.

-Both of them were great improvisators


Handel was born in Germany in 1685. He had a long and successful career of a composer first in Italy, then in Britain. He composed operas and oratorios making the chorus his main instrument. Handel's first oratorio in English – "Esther" – began the tradition of oratorio-singing in England. However Handel's ambition was to write operas. For 20 long years he kept on composing and staging operas though none of them was a success with the public. 11 is creative principles were too unconventional. Handel took his failure very much to heart, but he hoped that future music-lovers would appreciate them. Only when Handel gave up writing operas and devoted himself to oratorios, he finally won general acclaim. His contemporaries realized that Handel had found a perfectly new type of music epic. Music critics wrote that oratorio form, which combined the elements of a musical drama and choral singing, was Handel’s greatest contribution to European music. In 1742 Handel composed his most inspired oratorio "Messiah" which was warmly received at the Covent Garden Theatre in London. It was a real triumph.

Johann Sebastian Bach was also born in 1685. But his life and music careerгwere much less triumphant. Handel was already a celebrated composer when Bach was only a modest violinist in the Weimar orchestra. When Handel was applauded to in Italy and in England Bach was an organist in a small German town. Handel used to live at the English Court, having the best chorus, orchestra and soloists, while Bach was a school teacher, teaching children to music. In his lifetime Bach was recognized mainly as a virtuoso organist, and his music was appreciated only after his death. Bach was a well-educated man of versatile interests. He had a rare gift for languages, he could speak a number of them and even taught Latin at school. He was fond of children and had a large family. He was very good at poetry as well. . Although nobody had ever taught him to play either the harpsichord or the organ and he had had a teacher neither in harmony nor composition, Bach could play different instruments very well. It always took him a long time to compose a piece of music as he used to perfect it over and over again. His music is highly emotional and truly romantic.

Both Handel and Bach were brilliant improvisators and used to take part in musical competitions of virtuosos. The music of Handel and Bach constituted a whole epoch in polyphonic styles, the main representatives of which they both were.

X. Speaking practice

Now it’s time for a role-play. Present the new information about two great composers in the form of a dialogue between two classic music fans.

XI. Reflection on personal experience

Did you like your research work? Do you think you’ve enriched your knowledge of classical music at the lesson? Did you get pleasure while listening to serious music?

XII. Summing up

– Your homework for the next lesson is to prepare a presentation about one of the famous composers of the past. You marks today…(giving marks)

Have you any questions? So, I wish you good luck!

Метки: Иностранный язык