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National Parks

National Parks


Развивать навыки чтения вслух и про себя с извлечением конкретной информации, развивать навыки аудирования и способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия; прививать школьникам любовь и уважительное отношение к природе, исчезающим животным.

Тип урока:

Наглядные пособия: карта, картинки животных, карточки.

Ход урока

1. Орг. момент

Good morning, boys and girls.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

Let’s begin our lesson from the checking your home task. Do you read the text?

– What is the text about?

– This text is about the disappearing animals, plants, insects.

– This text is about the seas, which are in danger.

– This text is about the The World Wildlife Fund.

– What is The World Wildlife Fund.

– The WWF is a large international organization.

– What is the function of this organization?

– To create the National Parks in 5 continents.

– How do you think, what is the theme o our lesson?

– National Parks.

– What is a National Parks?

– National Park is a place where animals are protected.

– What is national park for?

– to protect animals and birds

3. All right. The theme of our lesson is “National Parks and disappearing


4. Now let’s read some texts. Try to get the information from the text.

Text 1.

1. What is the first National Park in the SA?

2. How many national parks are there in the SA?

3. When was Yellowstone founded?

4. When was the first National Park in England and Wales founded?

5. How many national parks in Britain?

And now listen to the next text, and try to understand it.

Text 2.

1. What are the most popular national parks in the SA?

2. Where is the Everglades situated?

3. What animals are there protected

Text 3. Read this text and say what is the most popular tourist place in Britain?

5. The next task is: Fill in the gaps in the article about national parks.

6. And what about national parks in Russia. Now Dima tell us about some of them.

There are 23 national parks in Russia: Valday, Losiny Ostrov and others. Valday is situated in Novgorodskay region. This national park was founded in 1990. Bears, wolves, foxes, others are protected in Valday.

Losiny Ostrov is protected as a national park too. It was founded in 1983. Losiny Ostrov is in the north-east of Moscow. It protects 48 kinds of animals: deeer, foxer, and 200 kinds of birds.

7. We had a talk about the national parks just now. But in Russia there are 84 nature reserves. The first nature reserve was founded in 1916. It was Barguzinsky n. r. It is situated near Lake Baikal. The protected animal is sable there.

Do you know any nature reserves in our region? It’s “The Wood on the Vorskla”. It is situated near Borisovka.

8. Now imagine you are in one of the national parks. There are some signs there. But they have mistakes. Let’s correct them.

Rubbish, animal, off, there, country, Don’t.

9. This animals are in danger. Fill in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.

1. 8 big cats (kill) to make, one fur coat.

2. Only several hundreds of rhinos (leave) in Asia.

3. About 3 millions Kangaroos (hurt) every year.

4. About 2 000 elephants (leave) in Kenia now.

5. In 1980 only 30 Californian Condors (leave) in the wild.

6. Before the 1900s 60 million buffalos (destroy).

7. Over 40 000 monkeys (catch) every year.

10. You have pictures of animals on your desk.

Listen to me attentively and put the animals on the map. Where are they in danger?

Lynxes are in danger, because the forests are being cut down in Europe. Kangaroos are in danger because they are killed for their Skins and meat in Australia.

Elephants are in danger because they are killed by hunters for meat and ivory tusks in Kenia in Africa.

Bisons are in danger because they are killed by hunters in Northern America.

Camels are in danger in Asia. Lizards are in danger in New Zealand. Spider Monkeys are in danger because they are caught every year in South America.

Galapagan Giant Tortoises are in danger because the water are polluted every day near America. Grizzly bears are in danger in Canada. Lions are in danger because they are killed for their skin in Asia.

11. Подведение итогов урока.

13. Д/з: Write a letter to your friend about animals, which lives in our forests.

Приложение I:

The first____________ park appeared in the SA in 1912. It was ______________. In Britain the first______________park was founded in 1949. Now there are more then____________Parks in England and Wales. National parks protect______________, and allow people to______________plants, ______________, and birds. One of the most interesting parks in the SA is the Everglades in___________. Its wildlife is enjoyed by many__________ and___________. Water birds, ___________, ____________, ______________, ______________, _________________, _______________ are protected in the Everglades. The Lake District is the ____________national park in Britain. It is one of the most________________places in Britain. It has the ___________longest and the ____________mountain in England. A lot of _______come there to___________, _____________, and just to________________.

Приложение II:


The SA is a larger country than Britain, that’s why it has more regions to protect. The Great Smoky Mountains*, the Grand Canyon* and Yellowstone Park* are the most popular national parks in the SA. The Everglades*, Florida, is one of the most interesting places. Some time ago hunters killed alligators for their skin and birds for their meat there. That was awful. If you visit the Everglades now, you can see a moving log (бревно). It is probably an alligator. Be careful. It can be dangerous. The Everglades is protected as a national park. Its unique (уникальная0 ecology – home to water birds, snakes, alligators, wildcats, fish, cypress trees – is enjoyed by naturalists and tourists.

Приложение III:

Dear friend,

“I want to tell you about the nature of one of the states of the SA. I live in Wyoming is one of the less populated state of the SA. This state is known for natural beauty. There are many animals here. The animals include antelopes, deer, buffaloes, beavers, marmots, raccoons, bears, wolves, coyotes, elks, bighorn sheep, rattlesnakes, mountain lions. Wildlife abounds here and hikers and picnickers do their best to protect it. And what animals can you glimpse in your forests? How do you care for them?”

With best wishes,

your American friends.

Метки: Иностранный язык