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Урок `Туристическое агенство`

Урок `Туристическое агенство`



Skills: Lexic work, Speaking, Writing.

Approximate time: 45 min.

Material: blackboard, handouts, audio-cassette and tape-recorder, computer with a slide presentation.

Цели урока:

дидактические: Развитие лексических навыков учащихся.

Практика в устной речи.

Обучение диалогическому высказыванию согласно требованиям ЕГЭ.

Обучение написанию личного письма.

развивающие: Развитие памяти, внимания, слухо – произносительных навыков учащихся, расширение кругозора учащихся.

воспитательние: Воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре. Формирование способностей к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.

Ход урока:

1. Introduction.

Good morning, good morning good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning, I am glad to see you.

T: I am glad to see you too. How are you?

P: I am fine, thank you.

2. Warming-up.

a) Put in the missing letters.

d nger us str ng p p lar

r spons ble a l tic t lk tive

c ring c r o s und rst nding

k nd s c able cr at ve

fr ndly p l te b a tif l

int ll g nt cl v r l ving

b) Read and translate the words, please.

3. Language drills.

a) Make up sentences using any of these words.

T: Our topic is “Learning more about English”. We are going to open a travel agency. Our lesson will be a kind of competition. We need a group of ideal travel agents who can help tourists to plan nice holidays. Look at the board and read:

A travel agent is a person who helps people to make their choice when they are going to travel somewhere.

b) Describe a good travel agent.

e. g. I think a travel agent should be polite, friendly, sociable, talkative, responsible, creative.

4. Speaking practice.

T: Now we shall work in groups. For each task you will get points. More points-better results. All of you have a chance.

The first task is to describe one member of your group. Remember that the characteristics should be necessary for the job of travel agent.


5. Lexic review.

a) Put in the missing letters.

b) Give definitions for the words. Ex. 9, p. 63.

c) Put the missing prepositions. (Приложение 1).

6. Pair work.

T; Make up your own dialogues. Ask your partner if he or she would like to visit London. What places would he like to see there? se the scheme from the book p. 61. P1 P2.

7. Slide presentation ( monological speech illustrated with slides).

T: Let s listen to the stories about places of interest in London. Watch our slide presentation and be ready to say what symbols of London were mentioned by your classmates.

P1: Ladies and gentlemen. We welcome you to London. London is one of the most famous and interesting cities in Europe. Here you can see a big red bus. Londoners use their buses to move around the city. Double-decker is a symbol of London for foreign tourists.

P2: We start from Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guard. It happens every day at 11. 30 a. m.

P3: There you can see Big Ben. It is a symbol of London and one of the most famous clocks in the world. Tourists want to see the clock in its Tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a Bell. It is a big bell. It weights more than 13 thousand of kilograms.

P4: The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of British government. Go on a boat trip and see the Houses of Parliament from the river.

P5: Westminster Abbey is a royal church. It is standing not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is a symbol of England. The church was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of the British Queens and Kings takes place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are buried here.

P6: From here you can see the Tower of London. It is very old. It has long and cruel history. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. Welcome to

London. Learn more about its history and culture.

Brainstorming after listening :

The symbols of London:

The Tower of London Big Ben Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace the Houses of Parliament double-decker bus

T: What places of London would you like to see?


8. A minute of relaxation.

T: Let s sing the song “ Let s be friends”.

9. Разно-уровневое задание.

а) Упражнение на развитие лексической креативности. Создайте собственную словарную сеть. (Задание для учащихся репродуктивного и конструктивного уровней, выполняется в группах). Приложение 2.

б) Развитие навыков диалогической речи согласно требованиям ЕГЭ.

(Задание для учащихся творческого уровня). Приложение 3.

10. Home task.

You are planning to visit London. You are writing a letter to your pen friend. Give good reasons why you would like to visit London. Write 70-75 words. Приложение 4.

11. Summing up.

T. thanks the pupils for their good work at the lesson. They count the points of each group and choose the best travel agents Teacher gives marks and thanks the guests for coming.

Приложение 1.

Put in the missing letters:













Fill in the gaps with the prepositions (предлоги).

London is different________ Moscow.

Have you ever been_____ London?

There are lots ____ places to visit in London.

A travel agent is responsible ______ planning holidays.

I really like to learn more _______ London.

Метки: Иностранный язык