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Погода и одежда

Погода и одежда Цель урока : Развитие языковой компетенции учащихся.

Задачи :

Обучающие : Освоить новые лексические единицы по теме;

Погода и одежда

Формирование грамматических навыков: разные

формы выраженя будущего времени.

Развитие речи учащихся ( диалог , развитие навыков чтения)

Развивающие : Развитие ассоциативного мышления,умения логически мыслить.

Воспитательные: Воспитывать любовь к предмету, воспитывать культуру поведения через освоение норм этикета.

Оснащение урока : учебник Spotlight 6, раздаточный материал , магнитофон ,компьютер, проектор.

План урока :

1. Организационный момент

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

4. Повторение лексики по теме : Погода и одежда.

5. Обучение диалоговой речи .

6. Освоение грамматических форм выражения будущего.

7. Подведение итогов.


1. Организационный момоент.

Good morning children. I am glad to see you .

Good morning, teacher . We are glad to see you too.

I hope everybody is ready to work.

2Сообщение цели и темы урока

The subject of our lesson is `` Weather and Clothes. Everybody knows

there is no bad weather , there is bad clothes.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Winter brings us snowflakes,

Spring– green buds and shoots.

Summer brings us berries,

Autumn-golden fruits.

Let`s do the crossword. (Приложение 1)

4. Повторение лексики по теме Погода

What`s the weather like ?

Look at the chart,then ask and answer as in the example.

P1 : What`s the weather like in London today?

P2 : It`s wet and rainy with a temperature of 10 degrees.

P3 : What`s the weather like in Copenhagen?

P4 : It`s cold and snowy with a temperature of 5 degrees.

P5 : What`s the weather like in Moscow?

P6 : It`s cloudy with a temperature of 5 degrees.

And now compare the weather in the cities in the chart. ( ex. 2 p 98)

P1 : Copenhagen has the lowest temperature.

P2 : Cairo has the highest temperature.

P3 : In Paris the weather is warmer than in Moscow.

P4 : I n London the temperature is more than in Paris.

P5: In Moscow the weather is colder than in Paris.

The weather changes and we wear different clothes.

T: What do people wear when it`s hot?

Chose the pictures from ex. 3 p. 98.

P1: We usually wear T-Shirt, top, shorts.

T : Right, what do we wear when it is cold?

P2: We wear a jacket,a scarf,a sweater, gloves.

T: It`s going to be rainy today . What will you wear?

P3: I`ll wear my raincoat and boots.

5. Обучение диалоговой речи.

Read the dialogue and complete the sentenses. What is this dialogue about?

P1 : It`s about what Kathy is wearing and where she is going.

P2: The dialogue is about choosing the right clothes and accessories for rainy weather.

6. Освоение грамматических форм выражения будущего времени.

Read the sentences and answer my questions.

1. He is driving very fast . He is going to have an accident

T: Is this a plan?

P-s : No.

T; Is this a prediction?

P-s: Yes

T: How can we predict that he`s going to have an accident?

P: Because we can see that he is driving too fast.

2. Im flying to spain next week.

T: Is this an action happening now or in the near future?

P: In the near future.

3. The phone is ringing. I`ll answer it.

T: Is this a plan or an on -the spot decision? What tense do we use?

P: On the spot decision. We use Future Indefinite tense.

ex. 7 p. 99 Read the sentences and the rules.

In pairs interview each other about your plans in the next few days.

7. Подведение итогов.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Your hometask: p. 99 ex. 10. Make a weather chart in various cities.

Метки: Иностранный язык